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need good circuit for +5v from 230v ac using capacitor

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Nov 21, 2006
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230v to 5v circuit

for my dimmer circuit , switch circuits , i want to use triac in place of relay along with this i also want to remove the bulky transformer (bcoz controlling circuits current is just 5mA- 15mA).

and last controlling circuits contains micro-controller so , after switch on/off it should be not reset the controller .

thank you .

5v from 230v ac

are you looking for switch mode ps? just search the forum.

230v input mobile recharger circuit

Just buy a switchmode AC adapter, they're small and work very well. Building your own transformerless AC adapters can be lethal if you're not familiar with the design.

230 v to 5v

i have it and working fine too , but problem is that , it is use in ir remote circuit which is again working good , but when i switch on the node at which the CFL is connected , my whole circuits get off / or not responding !

with other node like fan , tube light , etc. it is working fine .

one more thing , as cfl it is not ok with mobile charger too .

230v cfl diagram

Your CFL is putting out high frequency OPTICAL noise and your IR sensor is not filtering it out. Change your IR sensor or stop using that particular CFL.

Put a thick blanket around the CFL and see if the problem disappears. If so it's not AC noise.

filtering safe and simple transformerless adaptor

are you serious ?

what about mobile charger ?

i have commercial remote circuit , but it dont have any problem same triac , same +5v circuit .

can someone tell me about " what that cfl and mobile charger do with line " >>

230v cfl bulb daigram pdf

CFL is emitting strong electromagnetic field on operating frequency of it's electronic circuitry. Frequency is about 40kHz. This can cause problems on controllers etc. You may replace CFL with incandescent bulb to check the existance of possible other causes for your problems.
Presence of that field can be verified by oscilloscope if it's probe is at 0.5m distance from CFL. Oscilloscope will show you a 300mVpp signal.

switch 5v with 230v

then what should be the solution ?

mobile charger circuit with 230v input

If CFL is causing problems then three solutions are possible. First is to throw away CFL or use some filtering and then shielding. Mains switch can cause simillar problems.

ac adapter capacitor transformerless

i want to go with filter , any simple circuit do you have ? which is suitable for this occasion.

mains to 5v circuit

Coupling the mains voltage directly by a capacitor to your circuit isn't a good idea, the rectifier or Z-diode could be damaged by inrush current when connecting the circuit and also any spike and high frequency interference will cause high currents to your circuit. It may easily generate overvoltage of up to 10 volts at VCC. You should absolutely use a current limiting series resistor, if you study similar circuits, you most likely find one.

resistor 230v to 5v

Here is a MicroChip app note about a similar project.

Note that they use +5V as the common point, not GND. If AC noise is the issue, I would suggest an inductor in series with the fuse in the microchip diagram.

Please remember that this is a very dangerous circuit to experiment on! Once completed and totally enclosed in a plastic case, it is safe to operate. However, during development, all points are at a high electrical shock potential.

230v to 5v with resistor

i have a good circuit , but the problem is that when i switch on / off cfl or mobile charger the circuit just dead .

it is due to reason as mention by Borber .

i need the solution for this .

230v capacitor led

The simple reason, why Microchip used a common VCC rather common GND node is, that triacs are more sensitive to negative trigger currents, so you save supply current this way. The interesting difference is, that Microchip uses series resistor instead of series capacitor for the suply. In their application, this has a particular reason in needing a zero crossing signal, it won't be delivered by a a capacitor. But it also the removes the current spike issue I discussed in my previous posting.

Apart from the said problem, the circuit may also pick up mains interferences when not having suitable supply decoupling and transient filtering (series resistors) in all signal wires that go off the circuit with a length above 5 or 10 cm.

5v to 230v

rather than going for this , if i use small transformer , and making neutral common to board gnd .

what will be the problems ? still cfl create problems ?

can i operate 230v with 5v relay

Using a small transformer may help because the windings of the transformer form a filter by their very nature.
However, I do not think you are at the root of the problem yet. You state that the circuit goes "dead". But what exactly does that mean? Is the microcontroller stopped executing code? Or is the IR receiver sending out garbage that cannot be decoded?
If you cause the problem to occur and then unplug the CFL without resetting your circuit, does your circuit recover and start working again?

If you modify your code to just blink and external LED and ignore the IR input, does the LED keep blinking with the CFL turned on? This will tell you whether the microcontroller is still running or whether you are locking it up.

Try powering the IR receiver from separate batteries as a test. If it works, then you know that noise is being coupled into the IR receiver via the power input.
Have you tried different IR sensor modules? Many years ago, I worked at a repair shop for VCRs. Samsung had a problem with one of their IR modules. It would lock up and stop working. The problem was finally tracked down an oversensitive photodiode in the module. The Samsung fix was to solder a piece of wire mesh across the input window of the module. They also replaced the entire front cover because the IR input window was molded into the front. On the new front cover has a much thicker and darker IR input window. This darker input window blocked more of the visible light while letting the IR pass through.

Electronic shops like Radio Shack often sell noise filters. These were used with radios and TV to keep other appliances from interfering with them. The internals of these noise filters are just a combination of coils and capacitors. See if you can get one and plug your circuit into the filter and then the filter into the wall.
Is the problem radiate noise via the air or conducted noise via the power line? Take a long extension cord and plug the CFL into the extension cord. Plug the extension cord and your device into the same wall outlet. Now physically separate the two devices as far apart as you can get them. Does your device start working as the distance increases? If so, then the problem is being radiated via the air.

Hopefully, the above will give you some hints on gathering more data. You really need to know what can make the problem better or worse, before you can jump to the solution.

230v to 5v by using capacitor

dead means dead ! no movement at all.

for make it on , i have to make the ckt on - off number of times (4-5)

after that , it is on !

i think the problem is that Xc =1/2*3.14*f*C

and the f=50Hz and after cfl f=40KHz

simple mains to 5v circuit

If your CFL is radiating 40KHZ, then this is the same frequency range used by most IR remotes.
Since you also complain about a mobile phone charger, I am guessing that the interference is conducted via the power line. (If it was the CFL only, then it would be possible that the flickering light from the bulb was disrupting the IR communication. )

I took the time to write several paragraphs asking numerous questions designed to help you explore exactly what was causing the your problem. You seem to have taken offense at this and respond with "dead means dead". That does not tell us any more about your circuit or problem than we already knew. Remember, only you can actually see the hardware!! I don't know how else to help you. If you want more info on power line filters check out these links.

**broken link removed**

replace cfl with incandescent

well , while trying hemon circuit i had used simple nokia battery charger -with out put of about 6.5 volts --- use with L7805 to get 5 volts ,, current will depend on the cap. you use. --- reason being 1] cheap 2] light weight 3]many adopters for out put.

i hope i works for you

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