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[moved] Arduino - Audio to IR relay circuit question.

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Member level 3
Member level 3
Jul 2, 2013
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In the attached picture (please see below), you can see the schematics of an Arduino circuit i have assembled.

It is a circuit that enables a smartphone, to switch On and Off electric devices. It works by converting an audio signal into IR pulses.

Here is a link i used to assemble this circuit:

My problem is this:
Most of the time the circuit works well. But sometimes it gets stuck and does not respond.

When that happens, i disconnect the upper left BLUE wire at "Disconnection point A" (please look at image) and then immediately reconnect it and things go back to normal and it works well again.

Is there some kind of capacitor or diode or other electronic component that i can add to this circuit, which would eliminate that problem?


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Hi, that's a nice set-up, beyond my level. You may have to explain what exactly it is in the circuit that gets stuck, otherwise people will have difficulty diagnosing the possible causes.
Hi, that's a nice set-up, beyond my level. You may have to explain what exactly it is in the circuit that gets stuck, otherwise people will have difficulty diagnosing the possible causes.

Thanks d123,
I will try to gather that information and return with it.

looks like you are doing contraption with electrical stuffs..!!
just tell me when it stuck is the infrared still remains on.!!
If that is the issue i feel you can fix it by connecting a appropriate resistance with Aout and ground..So the stored charge of capacitor is drained..
resistance must not be too low that would be short circuiting and must not be too high so it maynot be able to drain charge ..can try with resistance around 1K.
I feel that would work..!! Else wise i have to sit with you . :p
Hey Arya!
Thanks for replying!
I will try the 1K Out to Ground solution you suggest and let you know if it solved the problem!

It seems that 1K or more resistors prevent the system to work well. It responds much less well.
Do you think i should try also resistors less than 1k ?


it seems your little board has a 220 resistor which should be enough for this task.

I think that your problem reside in another part...

your emitter board has a small led, does it turns on when you send a command? does it keep stuck when it fails? if so, maybe your amplifier is too high, try lowering the volume, and maybe add an inverse polarized diode (1N4148 inverted to the IR emitter) to help discharging..
it seems your little board has a 220 resistor which should be enough for this task.

I think that your problem reside in another part...

your emitter board has a small led, does it turns on when you send a command? does it keep stuck when it fails? if so, maybe your amplifier is too high, try lowering the volume, and maybe add an inverse polarized diode (1N4148 inverted to the IR emitter) to help discharging..

The led on the emitter board never lights up..

And another characteristic of this problem i have with the circuit, is that most of the times this problem happens, is when i leave the system without working (e.g. without getting On or Off commands) for several hours - then i need sometimes to push the On (or Off) button several times, before it starts reacting to commands. And then once it starts reacting, all goes smooth again and it reacts to every command, as long as it is not left without any command coming in for too long again.

BTW, the receiver IR board also has a led on it and in contrary to the emitter board, every time a command comes in, it lights up. Sometimes, but not all the times, when this problem occurs - the led on the receiver board does not light up. But most of the times it does, even if the problem occurs.
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