Newbie level 4

I am also need to use time-constant integral, when initial x0=0 or 1, but the condition of integrating is defined by such formula: dx/dt=-alpha*x--so the solution is something like this--x=exp(-alpha*t) so I do not know how to define integral in simulink--there seems to be just intial value condition --is it mean that the integrating is just linear? So waht parameters I should note in integral block in simulink//I also has simialr question about Micro-cap as there is also the same macros--integral--that has scale value(?) and initial condition? Would you suggest me anything..
I just tried simple example with initial condition where, initial value is 2--so if input from the constant source is 0--that is line horizontal, if 1--it is linear under 45 grades, and more input is bigger--more the line is approximate to vertical line. So what integral is working and how for example define the EXP(k*t) as I undestand that 0 input means no dependence on time, 1-- means the linear dependence, and 2--is more complex for example if t=0 x=1.1, t=1//
What abou comparator I need to use such condition if input E>0, then Sn+1=x, if E=0, if E<0, Sn+2=x-A. So how can I do such condition. After it one of Sn should be the input for aforementioned integrator
I just tried simple example with initial condition where, initial value is 2--so if input from the constant source is 0--that is line horizontal, if 1--it is linear under 45 grades, and more input is bigger--more the line is approximate to vertical line. So what integral is working and how for example define the EXP(k*t) as I undestand that 0 input means no dependence on time, 1-- means the linear dependence, and 2--is more complex for example if t=0 x=1.1, t=1//
What abou comparator I need to use such condition if input E>0, then Sn+1=x, if E=0, if E<0, Sn+2=x-A. So how can I do such condition. After it one of Sn should be the input for aforementioned integrator