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How to repair BGA package?

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Advanced Member level 4
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Feb 26, 2002
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There is miscontact between S3 video chip and the board at my notebook PC. The chip has the BGA package.

Is there any way to repair it without using any special equipment?



We used to repair miscontacted BGA's using solder flux and a soldering iron if the ball was on the outside of the BGA, if its on the inside then the only way to fix it is to remove it, doing so you risk damaging the BGA and the PCB its on.



Re: BGA repair?

Can you get access to the ball?

If you have a badly reflowed BGA joint, then you can suspect there will be more high impedance or partially collapsed ones.

As a really, not recommended, last possible measure, you could add additional flux to the device, heat it up to rework temperature while applying minimal force to the surface of the device (pushing it down). Forcing a ball collapse. Shorts is a BIG risk here and the temeprature profile needs to be constant across the device.

On some rework stations you can use the remove tool if it has a vacuum pickup. Place a small PTFE block on the device so the pick ups pressure spring applies the pressure to the device but instead or doing a remove cycle, just turn the heat off after a timed period.

But if your PCB has initially had OSP or entech finish, and not been reflowed properly to begin with, then getting a good flow to an old joint would be near impossible without full rework as the pad will most likely be too tarnished.

Again, this is NOT a recommended method, but a desperate act type of scenario.

Re: BGA repair?

at least you need hot air soldering tool and apply the hot air to the chip with applying any force to the chip as the balls adjust there position by surface tension itselves. I think it is the only trial you can do. If you go through removingthe chip you will also go through the reballing process and both of them need expensive special tools.

best wishes

Re: BGA repair?


Al Farouk is right. You can do it with hot air soldering gun. Set the temperature to 250 Celsius degree and warm the chip up (usually it takes about 15 seconds). Now take the pincette and touch the chip very carefully - it will make a little movement and go back to it's place.

Good luck!

P.S: I suggest You to try first on the old boards. This action requires some expirience - You will not success on the first time.

Re: BGA repair?

sorry I did a typing mistak I mean (Apply hot air without applying any forces to the chip as balls adjust their position by surface tenssion)

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