Junior Member level 3

I wish to make a fixture/tool that is able to measure dielectric constant.
after researching through the web and read numerous papers and application note.
i decided to try this **broken link removed**
at page 5. using parallel plate capacitor method.
The idea is simple, as long i am able to measure the capacitance the air and my MUT (material under test)
the dielectric constant er is the ratio of MUT capacitance over air capacitance.
So this is what i made.
i used 2 round copper plate, 2.5cm diameter, 0.05cm thick, to be the conducting plate.
solder 2 SMA connector to each copper plate.
connect one copper plate to the ground of the SMA connector, this makes one of the plate the ground.
this setup is attached to a sliding fixture so that it can move freely.
VNA is used to measure the S11, from the S11, the impedance can be found.
The VNA is calibrated using calkit before measurement, but the measurement plane is at the tip of the SMA cable.
this means the unwanted effects such as SMA connector, are included as well.
so the impedance measured includes everything between the tip of the SMA cables.
first i insert the MUT between plates, and clamp it tightly. take the S11 reading.
next, remove the MUT carefully without moving the plates, take the S11 reading.
this way i have 2 set of impedance.
Zt,sample = total impedance of the test fixture and the MUT
Zt,air = total impedance of the test fixture and air
the impedance of air i assume to be
Zco = 1/ (i*w*Co)
Co is air capacitance, Co = eo*(area of plates)/(distance between plates)
distance between plates = my MUT thickness
i assume my fixture has impedance of Zs.
Zt,air = Zs + Zco----------------(1)
Zt,sample = Zs + Zsample -------(2)
from eq(1)
Zt,air is measured by VNA
Zco is calculated, so i can get Zs
from eq(2), i can get Zsample
with Zsample, i can calculate what is
Cp & Rp, the parallel equivalent capacitor and resistor.
then i use the formula in the agilent note above
ideally the above method should work,
but i tried measuring a FR4 board, the dielectric constant i got is 0.9 - 1.1
FR4 dielectric constant should be 4 right?
what could be wrong in my method?
Please if you spot any error or have any suggestions,
please let me know, i will be very grateful.
after researching through the web and read numerous papers and application note.
i decided to try this **broken link removed**
at page 5. using parallel plate capacitor method.

The idea is simple, as long i am able to measure the capacitance the air and my MUT (material under test)
the dielectric constant er is the ratio of MUT capacitance over air capacitance.
So this is what i made.
i used 2 round copper plate, 2.5cm diameter, 0.05cm thick, to be the conducting plate.
solder 2 SMA connector to each copper plate.
connect one copper plate to the ground of the SMA connector, this makes one of the plate the ground.
this setup is attached to a sliding fixture so that it can move freely.
VNA is used to measure the S11, from the S11, the impedance can be found.

The VNA is calibrated using calkit before measurement, but the measurement plane is at the tip of the SMA cable.
this means the unwanted effects such as SMA connector, are included as well.
so the impedance measured includes everything between the tip of the SMA cables.
first i insert the MUT between plates, and clamp it tightly. take the S11 reading.
next, remove the MUT carefully without moving the plates, take the S11 reading.
this way i have 2 set of impedance.
Zt,sample = total impedance of the test fixture and the MUT
Zt,air = total impedance of the test fixture and air
the impedance of air i assume to be
Zco = 1/ (i*w*Co)
Co is air capacitance, Co = eo*(area of plates)/(distance between plates)
distance between plates = my MUT thickness
i assume my fixture has impedance of Zs.
Zt,air = Zs + Zco----------------(1)
Zt,sample = Zs + Zsample -------(2)
from eq(1)
Zt,air is measured by VNA
Zco is calculated, so i can get Zs
from eq(2), i can get Zsample
with Zsample, i can calculate what is
Cp & Rp, the parallel equivalent capacitor and resistor.
then i use the formula in the agilent note above
ideally the above method should work,
but i tried measuring a FR4 board, the dielectric constant i got is 0.9 - 1.1
FR4 dielectric constant should be 4 right?
what could be wrong in my method?
Please if you spot any error or have any suggestions,
please let me know, i will be very grateful.