Member level 1
final year project
I'm doing a Holter Monitor, which is a device to record heart signals for a period of morethan 24 hours. It has both analog and digital hardware as well as software based DSP (to detect the heart signals). The DSP is what i'm working on now, the biggest problem is getting the DSP to recognize a specific part of the heart beat, called the QRS part. Although I doubt i'll be able to finish it, the project was VERY holistic and very interesting. Bio-medical engineering is a very interesting field to go into.
I'm doing a Holter Monitor, which is a device to record heart signals for a period of morethan 24 hours. It has both analog and digital hardware as well as software based DSP (to detect the heart signals). The DSP is what i'm working on now, the biggest problem is getting the DSP to recognize a specific part of the heart beat, called the QRS part. Although I doubt i'll be able to finish it, the project was VERY holistic and very interesting. Bio-medical engineering is a very interesting field to go into.