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DPC-64-CTL Transceiver !! HEEEEEEEElP !!

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Nov 21, 2005
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Hi guys ...

i am in the last year of communication engineering .. i have a graduation project and i must present it next month ... but i have a lot of problems ... the main problems found in my transceivers ..

i have DPC-64-CTL Transceiver and DPC-64-RS232 Transceiver ... the first one on robotic board .. and the second at PC side ..

when i test the link between them .. there is no data transfer .. nothing send ... i have a problem in the DPC-64-CTL .. i don't know how can i solve it .. may be my circuit is wrong .. so i need someone use this part and give me the true cuircit ..

i am really worried .. and i don't know what can i do ..

i use AT89C51 uC and i design a good interfacing with the Transceiver like ( 9600,8N,1 protocol ) ...

so can anybody help me :(:( plzzzzzzzz

Transceivers are from

waiting for ur replies as soon as possible ( i will die if there is no solution )


can anybody help me plzzzzzzzz

Hi Alameer,

I think that the first thing you'll have to learn in you career in engineering is how to describe things properly.

You don't get any answers because your description isn't precise enough. Moreover, describing your problem more precisely will probably help you to understand it better and you'll be on your way to find solutions.

Give it a try!

Best of luck,


Hi cyberblak ..

first .. sorry about my quickly descibtion .. but it's done by my worried ..

look ..

my project is talk about how to control a robot via computer .. so i have to send control data from PC to robot by rf communication .. also there is some sensors at robot must be send to the pc ..

so .. in this case .. i need pair of transceivers .. ok ?

i choose DPC-64-CTl & DPC-64-RS232 transceivers for my project ... when i tried to test them .. it's failed ..

DPC-64-RS232 transceiver is connected to the PC serial port and DPC-64-CTL transceiver attached on robot ..

DPC-64-RS232 transceiver is a fully integrated module .. so i just conect it to the batterey and it will work ..

but DPC-64-CTL transceiver is like an IC .. so i have to connect it to vccs and GNDs and some thing else ..

the problem is that i didn't receive any data at DPC-64-CTl side .. and also can't send data through DPC-64-CTL ..

so i guess that i have a problem in this module ..

so if there is anyone have an idea how to let it work .. or if there is anyone have the circuit for it and i will be thankfull


Hi Alameer,

Here are a couple of things to check out:

- Do you use two modules with the same operating frequency (ex. 433MHz)?
- Do you use the same bit rate (9600 bps for the D version of the DPC-64-RS232)?
- Did you connect an antenna of the proper length, very close to the pins 21 and 22, to the DPC-64-CTL module?
- Do you use a switching mode power supply to power one or both of the modules?
- Did you test the RF link with the test mode?
- Do you power the modules properly (correct voltage, enough current available, battery sufficiently charged)?

When you diagnose a problem, you should challenge each and every part of your design in order to see where it could fail. When you're satisfied with the answers, you can begin to debug by doing the most basic operation you can do with the system, then you slowly add complexity until your design is functionnal.


- Do you use two modules with the same operating frequency (ex. 433MHz)?
i think so ..

- Do you use the same bit rate (9600 bps for the D version of the DPC-64-RS232)?
ya that's what i did

- Did you connect an antenna of the proper length, very close to the pins 21 and 22, to the DPC-64-CTL module?
may be coz i didn't match the antenna with the port maybe that's a problem .. but whatever .. when both transceivers are closed .. it can transmit and receive data without any antenna sometimes ... but i will take care about this point

- Do you use a switching mode power supply to power one or both of the modules?
ya i did

- Did you test the RF link with the test mode?
test link needed two modules of DPC-64-CTl /.. but i have one .. so i can't do the test circuit. ..

- Do you power the modules properly (correct voltage, enough current available, battery sufficiently charged)?
ya i did

thanks for answering .. i will try again and take care with all ur adivces .. and i will be back soon with the results ..


- Do you use two modules with the same operating frequency (ex. 433MHz)?

i think so ..

No need to tell you that you should make sure of that.

- Did you connect an antenna of the proper length, very close to the pins 21 and 22, to the DPC-64-CTL module?

may be coz i didn't match the antenna with the port maybe that's a problem .. but whatever .. when both transceivers are closed .. it can transmit and receive data without any antenna sometimes ... but i will take care about this point

Never worked with those products in particular, but I know about some RF transceivers that operates badly when they are too close. You should make sure that you use an adequate antenna and test the modules at a reasonable distance (say 10 feet).

- Do you use a switching mode power supply to power one or both of the modules?

ya i did

Ill-designed switching-mode power supply can deteriorate the RF link quality very badly, and I tell you that from my own experience. I once used a RF transceiver module similar to the one you use that refused to work completely when powered from a MC34063 dc/dc converter but that worked very well when powered from a linear source (battery or linear regulator).

- Did you test the RF link with the test mode?

test link needed two modules of DPC-64-CTl /.. but i have one .. so i can't do the test circuit. ..

As I understand it, both modules support the test mode... Not sure it is interoperable, but that could be verified.


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