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[SOLVED] Convert from STD_LOGIC to integer in VHDL

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Jun 2, 2015
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Is this code right?, I need to convert from STD_LOGIC to integer( to add those integers) and then back result to STD_LOGIC:
a,h,f3,f0,k,w,f2,f1 are STD_Logic

        a          <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned((To_integer(unsigned(h)) +
                                                                                 To_integer(unsigned(f3)) + 
                                                                                 To_integer(unsigned(f0)) +
                                                                                 To_integer(unsigned(k)) + 
                                                                                 To_integer(unsigned(w))  + 
                                                                                 To_integer(unsigned(f2)) + 

std_logic but its nature is either 0 or 1.

Do you mean std_logic_vector, furthermore when converting from interger back to std_logic_vector via unsigned you need to specify length
Convert to integer makes no sense. Why not add unsigned?

I tried this:
a <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(h) +unsigned(f3) + unsigned(f0) +unsigned(k) + unsigned(w) + unsigned(f2) + unsigned(f1));

and i still have these errors "Bad expression in left operand of infix expression "+".
(vcom-1078) Identifier "unsigned" is not directly visible.
Illegal type conversion to ieee.std_logic_1164.STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (operand type is not known).

"Bad expression in left operand of infix expression "+".
(vcom-1078) Identifier "unsigned" is not directly visible.

This error is because you have more than one package that declares an unsigned type. You didnt post the code, but I assume you have included std_logic_arith and numeric_std. You should delete std_logic_arith as it is a non-standard VHDL library.

You have another problem: you're trying to convert std_logic to unsigned. Thats impossible, because std_logic is an enumerated type, and unsigned is an array of std_logic. They are not related types.
You will need to make an array out of your single std_logic bits to make them unsigned. There is a nice little hack for this - simply append the bit to a null array. You will also need to qualify the resulting array as unsigned so it doesnt get confused between unsigned and signed:

Code VHDL - [expand]
a <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'(""&h) + unsigned(""&f3) ....... etc

Of course, it would have been much easier if a and the other signals were all unsigned in the first place.
what libraries are you using? are probably using the ieee.numeric_std along with the conflicting synopsys libraries ieee.std_logic_arith and ieee.std_logic_unsigned.

I've been having a similar problem due to a very old testbench and the need to use some code that requires numeric_std, so I've had to resort to explicitly calling out what functions are used instead of using .all, very annoying.
This error is because you have more than one package that declares an unsigned type. You didnt post the code, but I assume you have included std_logic_arith and numeric_std. You should delete std_logic_arith as it is a non-standard VHDL library.

You have another problem: you're trying to convert std_logic to unsigned. Thats impossible, because std_logic is an enumerated type, and unsigned is an array of std_logic. They are not related types.
You will need to make an array out of your single std_logic bits to make them unsigned. There is a nice little hack for this - simply append the bit to a null array. You will also need to qualify the resulting array as unsigned so it doesnt get confused between unsigned and signed:

Code VHDL - [expand]
a <= std_logic_vector( unsigned'(""&h) + unsigned(""&f3) ....... etc

Of course, it would have been much easier if a and the other signals were all unsigned in the first place.

Thank you so much
It is solved

- - - Updated - - -

what libraries are you using? are probably using the ieee.numeric_std along with the conflicting synopsys libraries ieee.std_logic_arith and ieee.std_logic_unsigned.

I've been having a similar problem due to a very old testbench and the need to use some code that requires numeric_std, so I've had to resort to explicitly calling out what functions are used instead of using .all, very annoying.

Thank you so much
It is solved

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