Newbie level 4
I was wondering if I could get some help on the following issue.
I am getting latches for the registers shown in the picture and I can't figurer out why that is the case. It is a uart_rx module with an FSM. When determining the next state logic it is telling me that I am receiving inferring latches. Could I get some help on what the issue could be? (line 76-78 is inside of the SIDLE state by the way)
Thanks in advance!
Error Message:
module code:
addition: These are all the synthesis error messages, in case there's a related error message
[IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_Debounce_Switch_0_0' is restricted:
* Module reference is stale and needs refreshing.
[Synth 8-589] replacing case/wildcard equality operator !== with logical equality operator != ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/imports/Downloads/Debounce_Switch.v":19]
[Common 17-576] 'use_project_ipc' is deprecated. This option is deprecated and no longer used.
[Constraints 18-5210] No constraints selected for write.
Resolution: This message can indicate that there are no constraints for the design, or it can indicate that the used_in flags are set such that the constraints are ignored. This later case is used when running synth_design to not write synthesis constraints to the resulting checkpoint. Instead, project constraints are read when the synthesized design is opened.
design_1_uart_top_0_0_synth_1[IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_uart_top_0_0' is restricted:
* Module reference is stale and needs refreshing.
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_sequential_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_onehot_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_onehot_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wBufferNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":79]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wCntClockNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":78]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wBitCountNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":77]
[Common 17-576] 'use_project_ipc' is deprecated. This option is deprecated and no longer used.
[Constraints 18-5210] No constraints selected for write.
Resolution: This message can indicate that there are no constraints for the design, or it can indicate that the used_in flags are set such that the constraints are ignored. This later case is used when running synth_design to not write synthesis constraints to the resulting checkpoint. Instead, project constraints are read when the synthesized design is opened.
I was wondering if I could get some help on the following issue.
I am getting latches for the registers shown in the picture and I can't figurer out why that is the case. It is a uart_rx module with an FSM. When determining the next state logic it is telling me that I am receiving inferring latches. Could I get some help on what the issue could be? (line 76-78 is inside of the SIDLE state by the way)
Thanks in advance!
Error Message:
module code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module uart_receiver #(
parameter CLK_FREQ = 125_000_000,
parameter BAUD_RATE = 115_200,
// Example: 125 MHz Clock / 115200 baud UART -> CLKS_PER_BIT = 1085
input wire iClk, iRst,
input wire iRxSerial,
output wire [7:0] oRxByte,
output wire oRxDone
// states (5)
localparam SIDLE = 3'b000;
localparam RXSTART = 3'b001;
localparam RXDATA = 3'b010;
localparam RXSAMPLE = 3'b011;
localparam RXSTOP = 3'b100;
localparam SDONE = 3'b101;
//4: registers + state register
reg[2:0] rBitCountCurrent, wBitCountNext;
reg rDataCurrent1, rDataCurrent2;
reg [2:0] rCurrentState, wNextState;
reg [$clog2(CLKS_PER_BIT - 1): 0] rCntClockCurrent, wCntClockNext;
reg [7:0] rBufferCurrent, wBufferNext;
always @(posedge iClk) begin
// double reg to for metastability issue.
rDataCurrent1 <= iRxSerial;
rDataCurrent2 <= rDataCurrent1;
if (iRst) begin
rBitCountCurrent <= 0;
rCurrentState <= SIDLE;
rCntClockCurrent <= 0;
rBufferCurrent <=0 ;
else begin
rBitCountCurrent <= wBitCountNext;
rCurrentState <= wNextState;
rCntClockCurrent <= wCntClockNext;
rBufferCurrent <=wBufferNext;
// next state logic
// next state logic
always @(*) begin
case (rCurrentState)
SIDLE: begin
if (rDataCurrent2 == 0) begin
wNextState = RXSTART;
wBitCountNext = 0;
wCntClockNext = 0;
wBufferNext = 0;
else begin
wNextState = SIDLE;
wBitCountNext = 0;
wCntClockNext = 0;
wBufferNext = 0;
RXSTART: begin
wBufferNext = rBufferCurrent;
wBitCountNext = 0;
if (rCntClockCurrent == CLKS_PER_BIT - 3) begin
wNextState = RXDATA;
wCntClockNext = 0;
else begin
wNextState = RXSTART;
wCntClockNext = rCntClockCurrent + 1;
RXDATA: begin
if (rCntClockCurrent == (CLKS_PER_BIT - 1) /2 ) begin // sample data
wNextState = RXSAMPLE;
wCntClockNext = rCntClockCurrent + 1;
wBitCountNext = rBitCountCurrent;
wBufferNext = rBufferCurrent;
else if (
rCntClockCurrent == CLKS_PER_BIT - 1 && rBitCountCurrent == 7
) begin // byte transferred
wNextState = RXSTOP;
wCntClockNext = 0;
wBitCountNext = rBitCountCurrent; // should it be incremented? not sure!
wBufferNext = rBufferCurrent;
else if (
rCntClockCurrent == CLKS_PER_BIT - 1
) begin // cycles per bit reached
wNextState <= RXDATA;
wBitCountNext <= rBitCountCurrent + 1;
wCntClockNext <= 0;
wBufferNext = rBufferCurrent;
else begin // just counting, no case reached.
wNextState <= RXDATA;
wBitCountNext <= rBitCountCurrent;
wCntClockNext <= rCntClockCurrent + 1;
wBufferNext = rBufferCurrent;
wCntClockNext <= rCntClockCurrent + 1;
wBitCountNext <= rBitCountCurrent;
wNextState <= RXDATA;
wBufferNext <= {rDataCurrent2, rBufferCurrent[7:1]}; // LSB is at end (right most side)
RXSTOP: begin
wBitCountNext <= rBitCountCurrent;
wBufferNext <= rBufferCurrent;
if (rCntClockCurrent == CLKS_PER_BIT - 1) begin
wNextState <= SDONE;
wCntClockNext <= rCntClockCurrent;
else begin
wNextState <= RXSTOP;
wCntClockNext <= rCntClockCurrent + 1;
SDONE: begin
wBitCountNext <= 0;
wCntClockNext <= 0;
wBufferNext <= rBufferCurrent;
wNextState <= SIDLE;
default: begin
wBitCountNext <= 0;
wCntClockNext <= 0;
wBufferNext <= rBufferCurrent;
wNextState <= SIDLE;
// output logic
assign oRxByte = rDataCurrent2;
assign oRxDone = (rCurrentState == SDONE) ? 1 : 0;
--- Updated ---
addition: These are all the synthesis error messages, in case there's a related error message
[IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_Debounce_Switch_0_0' is restricted:
* Module reference is stale and needs refreshing.
[Synth 8-589] replacing case/wildcard equality operator !== with logical equality operator != ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/imports/Downloads/Debounce_Switch.v":19]
[Common 17-576] 'use_project_ipc' is deprecated. This option is deprecated and no longer used.
[Constraints 18-5210] No constraints selected for write.
Resolution: This message can indicate that there are no constraints for the design, or it can indicate that the used_in flags are set such that the constraints are ignored. This later case is used when running synth_design to not write synthesis constraints to the resulting checkpoint. Instead, project constraints are read when the synthesized design is opened.
design_1_uart_top_0_0_synth_1[IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_uart_top_0_0' is restricted:
* Module reference is stale and needs refreshing.
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_sequential_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_onehot_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'FSM_onehot_wNextState_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":76]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wBufferNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":79]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wCntClockNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":78]
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'wBitCountNext_reg' ["/home/sims0702/cdd_lab_2/cdd_lab_2.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_receiver.v":77]
[Common 17-576] 'use_project_ipc' is deprecated. This option is deprecated and no longer used.
[Constraints 18-5210] No constraints selected for write.
Resolution: This message can indicate that there are no constraints for the design, or it can indicate that the used_in flags are set such that the constraints are ignored. This later case is used when running synth_design to not write synthesis constraints to the resulting checkpoint. Instead, project constraints are read when the synthesized design is opened.
Last edited: