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My first solar projection

My desire to make solar projection and observe the transit of Venus, made me to buy a telescope. I cam to my home town Kakinada form Hyderabad.

Actually at my region the transit of Venus starts almost one hour before sun rise and it was in progress during sun rise. we can not observe the transit of Venus even from the start of sun rise, because building around my house. so I decided to go to sea shore at the early morning before the time of sun rise. to observe and capture the transit form the beginning of the sun rise.

On morning 05:30 AM of 6 jun 2012 me and my brother are at sea shore of Kakinada with telescope and solar filters. there was something I was suspecting and it disappointed us. the sky near horizon is partly cloudy. it is very hard to find sun rise. after few minutes the sun is partly cam visible from clouds. and transit is in progress during the sunrise and we can able to see it through solar filters. now the sun intensity is not too high and also not enough to project through my telescope. but when ever we knew that sun intensity increases and can able to see even from our home. we went to home and fixed the telescope in its position and because it was my first solar projection I'm not confident about. i just fitted the telescope on tripod and placed a sheet of white paper in front of eye peace, pointing the telescope approximately towards sun. now i started adjusting the angle so I may see the projection. the focus is not clear. but when i adjusted the eyepiece focus slowly a dark spot appeared. to make sure that was not a dust particle on telescope or on paper i have done some rough checks. I started adjusting the focus of the telescope eyepiece the dot appears more brighter


A Successful Projection​



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