[SOLVED] Xbee+Visual Basic programming

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Dec 1, 2009
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Hi to all edaboard forumer,
I'm doing wireless pc control car as my project..
Before this,i already tried using wired version and everything working fine..
Now time to convert to wireless control..
I'm using xbee to achieve my objective of my project..
My problem now is i don't have any idea on how to code the vb so that it can transfer the data from pc to xbee then to another xbee that connected to the microcontroller..
From what i read from internet and suggestion from friends,they said can use ms comm and some said that use the I/O active communication since i'm using XBEE STARTER KIT (see the link below)
Welcome to Cytron Technologies - Robot . Head to Toe : PIC Training Malaysia, PIC Microcontroller

Hope anyone can guide me..
Thanks in advance..

Seems straight forward with hardware provided by your link, it should be like this, connect the hardware, install driver, open a com port through Mscomm component in VB6 or serial port in VB.net with 9600 baud rate ... (specified settings in data sheet), start sending your data (like mscomm1.output "blablabl command"
in which part you have a problem?

hmm...this is using usb..so can i use Mscomm?sorrie,i'm new to vb..

Depends on USB Driver that controls the device, if its going to be recognized as com/serial, uart connection, you shouldn't be facing any problem.

Depends on USB Driver that controls the device, if its going to be recognized as com/serial, uart connection, you shouldn't be facing any problem.

Oh k..i understand what you say..but just wanna ask,is there any thing that i need to include in the vb code like,xbee address @destination address?

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