wimax chip air interface, please help

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Full Member level 5
Nov 16, 2006
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Hi guys

Its my final year graduation project

I have an idea of desiging a single wimax chip

I can manage the digital part " baseband "

but what about the air interface that transmits and receives radio waves

what kind of design i need to study

Analog or RF

I think RF, but I have almost no idea about both analog and RF design

I have concepts of both analog and digital communications

also I red some chapters of RAZAVI's book

please help, from where can I begin, which references,tools,......

also we have access to use Cadence IC610

I think it will be useful while doing mixed-signal design, right

Do you really want to do alone this chip? :-S
only the LNA, the mixer, channel filter or the VCO could be your full project or you want to do only Verilog AMS modell for these parts?

But if you are really brave and want to make it alone, Razavi's books are good for start.
But first I would suggest you to make a concept about the full system and if you will count the analog blocks and the complexity of them maybe you will give up to implement them...

My advise if you are good in digital, just focus on that and make a very good digital part, if you fabricate the chip, you can test the digital stuff only and it is better to do only a high quality digital part ;-)

and you are right Cadence IC 610 could help


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