why we use the fourier trasform

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Apr 11, 2007
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fourier trasform

plz any one can tell me what are the advantages of fourier transfrom ,how it is different from dft and fft

for knowing the frq contains in signal [spectrum], continues, discrete , fast discrete algorithm

dft and fft are the two different methods for calculating Fourier transform of a discrete signal, according to computation complexity
fft is faster then dft

the difference between the Fourier Transform and the Discrete Fourier Transform is that the first for continues frequency and the second for discrete frequency while the fft is an algorithm that is faster than the dft.



DFT and FFT are both for discrete signals.
Or maybe you wanted to say that with DFT you can calculate any number of
frequencies arbitrarily while FFT calculates a fixed and predetermined set
of frequencies? OK, but the frequency set is not continuous. All the frequencies
are equally spaced and their number is a power of 2.

But: for a fixed time input (power of 2 number of samples), you can calculate
a corresponding fixed sample of frequencies with either method, it's exactly
the same. If we have N time samples, we can calculate N dfrequencies.
It will take N^2 multiplications with DFT and NLog2(N) with FFT.
Example for 1024 samples: 1 million multiplications for DFT and only 10 000
for FFT.


Aya2002 said:
the difference between the Fourier Transform and the Discrete Fourier Transform is that the first for continues frequency and the second for discrete frequency while the fft is an algorithm that is faster than the dft.


Could ypu recomment me books about Fourier ?
I am interesting in level of purely

~mathematical &
~the mathematical background for the introduction in Digital Communications
(like to describe Fourier Series and δ function etc)

with good problems and solutions if there are any.

Thank you a lot for your time and if i made a wrong choice to post that correct me.
Any links happyly accepted

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