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Why there is multiple EEPROM in Led Tv or Monitor ?

Azhar Mir

Newbie level 2
Aug 16, 2023
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Hello Everyone,
I am Azhar from India.

Few days ago while I repairing a 24" led monitor I found there is 3 eeprom ic placed in mainboard. And also there is main flash ic placed near to the MCU. So I just curious to know what is the reason to place 3 eeprom in board ?
to store data?
But I likely seen on many boards there is only one flash, bios or eeprom attached to store run data (firmware). But in this particular case why 3 extra eeprom attached in board ? I couldn't find the reason why ? I have traced (reverse engineer) all those eeprom connection, 1st eeprom pin 5,6,7 connected to IDE Socket and MCU too and pin 8 is vcc 3.3v and pin 1,2,3,4 is connected to GND (pin configuration is same for all those 3 eeprom)
2nd eeprom's pin 5,6,7 is connected to HDMI and MCU too. And 3rd eeprom pin 5,6,7 is connected to VGA Socket and MCU too.

I've traced all those line but couldn't figure it out why these 3 eeprom's are used in circuit whereas the board has it's main flash ic which stored the main firmware.
Could you please explain why those eeproms are used in circuit?

Thank you in advanced.
without seeing your circuit, there’s no way to give you an intelligent answer. Telling us what pins are connected without telling us what the device is like me asking you how to get to New York from a house with a red door.

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