Why MICROCHIP stopped giving samples?

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May 15, 2008
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microchip samples uk

Hi Readers,

It's a sad news for many that MICROCHIP have recently stopped issuing samples. Does anyone know the truth behind? Is it temporary or ?

microchip samples

Microchip still give free samples, but the number of samples is limited and they are only given to registered users.

I heard that it is because one enterprising dude started to advertise and sell Microchip chips. When he made a sale, he would request free samples and have them sent to his customers address.

microchip samples emea

Microchip's website says that I may place two sample orders over the next 40 day period, but there are no samples to choose from. The website says that samples for all contries are "Temporarily Unavailable".

microchip samples to the uk

Maybe they have a "temporary problem" preventing them from being given out then.

As of Oct 01 2009 they are sampling again.

For a US account, with a corporate electronic firm email address, the website indicates:
3 sample orders max per 30 day period,
2 part numbers per order, 3 units max per part.
Although a "Fee" is mentioned before you order, the last screen in the order process states:
"valued customer - fee waived for this order"

so the sample request is free.

Anyone else from other parts of the world can describe their experience?

Note that reaching this thread is not difficult ( you google "microchip + samples) and you must assume a Microchip employee regularly survey the genaral web chatter on their sample program, so you need to ensure your comments on this matter are professional and thought out.

How is Microchip's sampling now?

I read that they even ship free to students with .edu email?

There are too many people ordering samples from Microchip for their one-off board design which will never go into series production. For example students for their research or hobby projects.
The semiconductor sampling system was invented to speed up electronic product development, and not for providing free toys for people not designing products.
If they give 5 samples to you, then they would expect your company to place purchase orders of hundreds to hundred thousand pieces per year. Obviously most people who order PICs would never purchase production quantities, since PICs are popular for student projects.
Once I was a student and ordered samples for my on-off hobby boards, but I have accepted that if they give me few chips then its up to their mercy, they didnt have to give me anything.
Also a lot of people keep ordering free samples because they are for free, without any intention of using them.

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