Why it is hard to get a job in embedded system here in India

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Member level 5
Sep 20, 2006
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Kolkata, India
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embedded job in india

can any body tell me that why it is hard to get a job in embedded system here in india, though i have more than 4 years of experience in embedded system. ther is lots of opening in software companies but very hard to find a embedded software develop company???????


Re: embedded job in india

you have 4 year of experience in embedded system but on which platform??

depending on the platform search for the company working on that platform
like 8051, avr , pic , arm ......
embedded system not only includes controlles but it also include linux deveopment

so depending on the previous expeience and the work you knows its not too much problematic to find a job

you just need to know the right place to apply

Re: embedded job in india

thanks for the reply.......

i did consultacy job most of the time..... i already worked on 8051, AVR, PSOC with C and for desktop interface JAVA Swing, i did mainly industrial work ie different weight scales design, temperature controller, scanner,distributed fire alarm system, cold storage management system, color mixing machine, SPM for plastic industry...... BTS management system...... and etc etc....(hopefully 4 years is too long)

one thing may be true that i am not fitting in a particular job with my current skill set..... hopefully after learning (self-learning) ARM (particularly philips LPC series) may be the job opertunity will open for me......

the another point of view may be in india the embedded system industry is not fulrished enough as like the software industry.......

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