Why do I get duplicate markers when loading and outputing a Calibre results database?

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Member level 2
Jul 21, 2017
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I have a hierarchical Calibre reuslts violation markers database, meaning it tells me in exactly which subcell each violation belongs to, and coordinate in that subcell context, and properties telling me the location of that subcell reference in the topcell.

I want to take that DB, and remove the hierarchy, so that it doesnt tell me which subcell each violation is, and convert all coordiantes to topcell context. The count of the violations should remain the same.

I am trying the following (pesuedocode):

set L [layout create $DB_PATH]
$L rdbout $OUTPUT -cell [$L topcell] -layers [$L layers]

however, when i look at the $OUTPUT DB, it has MANY MORE violations, but all of the extra ones overlap the original ones. Why is this happening?
For example, original DB said: ruleX....10(100) (meaning 10 hierarchical, 100 flat violations), and the flattened DB says ruleX...1000 (i am expecting this number to be equal to 10, but when i view these markers, there are only 10 locations, but each location has like 100 shapes on top of each other.... just an example, these are not the real numbers).

Whys this happening?

Just a small advice: you can use "*drcCellName: 0" in your runset to get flat error database.

I know, but I want the original DB with hierarchy for review purposes. But I am writing a flow (for other purposes) that takes in 2 DBs, and to make sure that my flow can work on the DBs, I want them both to be flat (in case one of them isn't but the other is).

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