Why data lines of USB interface are named minus and plus?

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Nov 12, 2004
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USB interface

why data lines of usb interface named minus and plus?


Re: USB interface

USB is a differential signal therefore + and -.


USB interface

Do some one know how to design the USB interface with microcontroller unit.Thanks

Re: USB interface


search this forum.
this subject was here a couple of days ago..

USB interface

Some ICs have integrated USB interface and microcontroller. For example:

Universal Serial Bus General Purpose Device Controller
USB + 8052 Microcontroller

Re: USB interface

Hi All,

USB standards specify a HOST interface and a DEVICE. Usually DEVICE functionality can be easily embedded in small microprocessor while HOST functionality are usually found on 32 bit microprocessor.

FDTI and Silicon labs offers USB to RS232 bridges that can be easily used to connect an RS232 based device to USB host.

Re: USB interface

You have D+ and D- on the USB because you can achieve a better data transmition using + and - voltages. Thsi way the parasite data is less as on a normal D+ serial comunication.

Re: USB interface


Re: USB interface

The best solution is to use FT245BM or FT232BM chip (www.ftdichip.com). It offers a free driver (*.sys and *.dll file) and can be controlled under Delphi, C++, or any other programming language. These chips can be interfaced to any minctrocontroller. You don't have to know nothing about USB to use the chips... (apart from a few very basic things). You can connect EEPROM to the chips to write your own device name which will be displayed when you first connect your device to PC.

Re: USB interface

FT2232 (http://www.ftdichip.com/) is a extensive solution to interface almost everything with USB. On the net there are universal boards (**broken link removed**) that can be a good start for every application.

Re: USB interface

USB-to-PIC Interface by John Waller .
check out this article in EPE MAGAZINE, April 2004 issue .
Regards .

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