We are doing a 7Kw full bridge LLC converter , with 4 primary fets and 4 secondary diodes. The secondary diodes will be synchronous.
The need for solid gates drive means we will implement all 8 gate drives with two multiple output flybacks (one for the 2 primary upper switches and one for the 2 secondary upper switches).
Each gate drive supply flyback will have two outputs for the two top fets, the two bottom fets will be supplied from the “Housekeeping” rails available.
The gate drive signals will be coupled to the fet gate drivers via digital isolators.
The synchronous fets will be driven via digital isolators from the primary side, and therefore, to replicate the delays, all fets will be driven through the same digital isolators.
Do you know if its possible to buy digital isolators that include gate drivers in them? We cant find any in digikey etc. Infineon are doing it with the 1EDI series but these only isolate to 1200v, we need the full 3.5kv as per mains isolation
Ltspice Sim attached of triple output flyback
We are doing a 7Kw full bridge LLC converter , with 4 primary fets and 4 secondary diodes. The secondary diodes will be synchronous.
The need for solid gates drive means we will implement all 8 gate drives with two multiple output flybacks (one for the 2 primary upper switches and one for the 2 secondary upper switches).
Each gate drive supply flyback will have two outputs for the two top fets, the two bottom fets will be supplied from the “Housekeeping” rails available.
The gate drive signals will be coupled to the fet gate drivers via digital isolators.
The synchronous fets will be driven via digital isolators from the primary side, and therefore, to replicate the delays, all fets will be driven through the same digital isolators.
Do you know if its possible to buy digital isolators that include gate drivers in them? We cant find any in digikey etc. Infineon are doing it with the 1EDI series but these only isolate to 1200v, we need the full 3.5kv as per mains isolation
Ltspice Sim attached of triple output flyback