Why are car LED Rear/Brake lights done with linear regulators?

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With a car like a Bentley continental, it costs £100,000, the cost of twelve 0.5W SMPS LED drivers pales into insignificance.
If I were at such a review, I would merely point out that leds last longer in cooler ambients.....and that means less back_to_the_garage time for the customer to get failed led lamps replaced......with a Bentley continental, replacing failed leds isn't just a case of taking a bulb out and putting in another one, the whole headlamp has to be taken to pieces, the aluminium heatsink removed etc etc......with an smps, there wouldn't have to be a heatsink, so that job would be made easier anyway.

I would dread the design review if I were supporting linear regulators.

With a Bentley continental, its a major marketing downer if you've got rich customers telling all their mates that their led rear lights failed and they had to take the car back to the garage and drive off in a small loan car. -this would be less likely with smps led lights.

Ive been in all kinds of reviews in the 18 different electronics companies that ive been to, and yes, some were more abusive than others.

The worst type of review is the "failed product in the field review"....they can be very abusive...a good reason to avoid overheating your electronics with unnecessary use of linear regulators I am sure you will agree.

My worst ever review was being screamed at by the MD of an amplifier company, then sacked on the spot, within full earshot of the entire staff.....early in the design process, he had dropped serious hints to me that he did not want a PFC stage with his 340W mains amplifier PSU, because the average power was going to be very low....I told him this could be illegal, and he then told me "none of our competitors are doing pfc"...he then showed me a 360W competitor product that theyd taken to pieces, and sure enough, there was no PFC.....so I did no PFC....and then when I told him that on continuous maximum power, it would fail low order harmonic emissions, he sacked me after screaming blue murder.
I told him that in use, it would never be on continuous maximum power, and that the agencies only test them at 1/8 max power, but he had lost it by then, and I was out the door.

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