which to start with pic or arduino

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Newbie level 4
Sep 24, 2011
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some help please on starting out, here some background.

i have done electrical and electronic eng degree 10 years ago which included turbo c, java, delphi and some assembly small programs nothing large.
also covered microcontrollers but only in theory being 8051 and some stuff i been reading, looks familar some not so familar i.e familar interfacing, rs232 levels, measuring devices, and artichecture.

So recently i been looking to get back into this area by doing my own projects i narrowed it down to pic and arduino.

i like idea of arduino as it look well supported with alot examples to follow to get general idea of how diffrent hardware can be interfaced such as GSM module **broken link removed**
and many other links here Arduino playground - InterfacingWithHardware.

the pic looks well supported plus i have some books as well.

so i plan to use adruino to learn how suff works (working through tutorials as supplied by links), how it interacts with micrococntroller such as GSM module, wirless and stuff listed such as lcd. Then also use pic to learn assembly and how registers and all internal stuff works then plan to migrate to C ON ATMEGA or pic doing same sort stuff as done with arduino once got clear idea and develop some of my own projects.

So looking for advise, is this right way to go or would i be wasting my time.

Is the c for arduino same as c used for micro controllers such as pic avr, or would i best just starting with c for pic.

also would assembly be waste time or is it goood idea to get grasp of this launguage, i read once learnt for one product it can be used for another with little bit of more learning for new device. suppose am looking to make little steps and try get good base so can be more creative in long run.

please any critism or advice very welcome thanks.

Re: whch to start with pic or arduino

I personally started off with microcontrollers only last year. And I consider myself fortunate that some one suggested Arduino to me....
Well Arduino is very good for beginners since, you need not know a lot to start off and the support available on forums very very vast...

Arduino uses its own IDE and its programming language is very very easy. It is more like plain C than embedded C.
But yes be warned that using an Arduino will also not expose you to the finer details about the inner workings of a microcontroller, eg, how to load a bootloader, what its fuses bytes do, etc etc.

Maybe some one else can comment on PIC, since I have never used one myself....

But do mention what you final aim is.. is it for hobby purpose or do you seriously need to learn this for your career etc??

Re: whch to start with pic or arduino

well to start with hobby, but as i am electrical eng i would eventually like to intergrate into my career, but in saying that it not required i learn it just like to gain more experceince. I have been for some interviews recently and knowledge on hobby level or higher would been very benefical, and would open scope up of jobs i could apply for.


If difficult to say is the better to start with, many posts have been made on this very point, without any clear resolution other than its just down to personal choice.

I've used mainly Pic Assembler which really does get you into the 'bones' of the pic architecture, however I recently tried the Arduino Uno with some extra breadboards and its like a different world with all those ready made modules and complete programs.
I had a 128 x 64 glcd up and running in 5 mins whereas programming it from scratch in Assembler took weeks.
For around $30 and a usb lead its the easiest route by far.

From your opening post I would think the C route with the Arduino would fit in with the work side better; you can always move on to the Assembler at your leisure; on the Atmega32 with the Uno or the Pic chips, which would give you a wider base.

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