Which RTOS is the best around?

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rtos forum usa

Try www.freertos.org, or buy the book by

Jean J. Labrosse on uCOS-II to start with.

There are RTOS that costs like cmx. Support available but you have got to pay.

For free-of-charge alternative, uCOS-II is hot.

John Leung

rtos freertos vxworks

janakiram.sistla said:
i m new to rtos can any guide me which is best

It depends on your sittuation.

If your H/W is more powerful one, you can choose more capable and expensive.

If your H/W is less powerful, you must select very simple one.

free lynx rtos ebook

there are RTOS, that are best suited for a requirement.
it depends on the requirement. RTLinux is good and provideds interrupt latencies of around 30ns, where as Vxworks does not provide that much stingent delays. so selection of RTOS depends on your requirement.
the RTOS manual will help you a lot to decide the particular RTOS.

download of rtlinux binaries for arm

Vxworks is the best ....

cmx rtos tutorial

PSos equally good...

best rtos

how can we judge vxworks or threadx is best ,is it not application dependent,please can anyone show some differences between vxwrks and threadx or rtlinux

Re: which rtos is best??

Dumb answer on a dumb question:
When using PIC12, PIC16 use Salvo, when using PIC18/PIC30 take PICOS18, in case of ATMEL and similar take uCOS, Motorola or ARM use FreeRTOS. VxWorks is also a good choice. ARM MCU architecture is also very Linux friendly... When using industrial 32 bit (Intel based) modules, depending on chipset and implementation use Linux or QNX or Lynx or VxWorks or others...
(It's like answering "which is the best car?").

which rtos is best??

I ever used the Nucleus, VxWorks and Linux. And I had learn the UCOS and ISOS. If you do not care the price, VxWorks is the best.

Re: which rtos is best??

it depends on your requirement
microCos,RTLinux are available as freeware
for commercial version you can VxWorks, pSoS, Nuclues...

which rtos is best??

RT-Linux, Lynx - Linux Works...

Re: which rtos is best??

Though it depens on the requirements, but if we look on overall then VxWorks is the best option....

Re: which rtos is best??

janakiram.sistla said:
i m new to rtos can any guide me which is best

I believe TRON RTOS is mostly available in this world. You can see T-Engine RTOS too.

I study some OS book but found very difficult to understand until I found this document is better for understanding.

Re: which rtos is best??

Either vxWorks or RTLinux is best

which rtos is best??

where can find RTlinux ?

which rtos is best??

fast small and free open source

which rtos is best??

hi where can i get this ucos ii book

which rtos is best??

I prefer work with uClinux for ARM's processor.

Reasons for using uClinux
• Linux
Builtin IP connectivity, reliability, portability, filesystems, free software...
• Lightweight
Full Linux 2.6 kernel under 300 KB, binaries much smaller with uClibc.
• XIP (Execute In Place)
Don't have to load executables in RAM. May run slower though.
• Cheaper
MMUless arm cores roughly 30% smaller. A large number of embedded systems applications don't need MMU.
• User access to the hardware
User applications can access the whole system, including device registers.
• Full Linux API
Can use most Linux system calls with minor exceptions. Ported applications distributed with uClinux.
• Full Linux 2.6 kernel features
Stability, preemptible kernel, drivers...
• Full multitasking
Just minor limitations
• Supported on many processors
For more information see **broken link removed**

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