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Which one is better as operational amplifier: LM 741 or LM324?

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Re: LM 741 or 324

Taking into account basic parameters of 741 and 324 one can say that the 1/4 of 324 is better opamp than the older 741 ..
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I wouldn't use "the best" description, as there are hundreds of new generation opamps which are beyond comparison with both of opamps under consideration ..
However, in certain applications 741 will be still as good as any other "super-duper" contemporary opamp ..

Here is an interesting publication on this issue: "Op amps take the next step" :
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LM 741 or 324

LM324N = 1401УД2 lowcost from Russia

Re: LM 741 or 324

i prefer LM 324.

Re: LM 741 or 324

These two opamps are similar in performance.
However, the L324's common mode input range is from 0V to Vcc-1.5V. Having an opamp that can work with voltages close to ground potential is a clear advantage, since you do not need a negative supply voltage.

Re: LM 741 or 324

I prefer LM741,because the noise for LM741 are smaller

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