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which journal to publish in and can have acceptance in less time possible

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Mar 6, 2010
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which journal or e-journal to publish a research in and I can have acceptance for my research in less time possible
in the same domain of RF, microwave and antenna optics
Is there a place that i can find a list or deta base of all journals related to our workh taht i can publish in for free
Many thanks in advance
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Try to find out domestic journels in your country.
If you have done good work then why not to publish in IEEE MTT ?

which journal or e-journal to publish a research in and I can have acceptance for my research in less time possible ..........

I think, one of the the fastest publishing procedure is for "Electronics Letters".

many thanks for the reply , Ithink it will take alot of time for IEEE, and my problem is limited time

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

Many thanks for your reply , its perfect for me I will go on with the "Electronics Letters"
do you have any information about the time it will take to have a reply from then for acceptation?

Many thanks for your reply , its perfect for me I will go on with the "Electronics Letters"
do you have any information about the time it will take to have a reply from then for acceptation?

It depends on the time needed by the reviewers. Each manuscript is reviewed by 2 or 3 experts. I think they will have 2 or 3 weeks time for this task (maximum). But you should know that there are severe restrictions as far as the manuscript length is concerned (check the authors instruction side of the journal).

I went through it, 81 column only and three figures, Ok text can be managed to 81 columns but figures to be only three that's very difficult, wonder if you have another place in mind that has approximately the same time for final answer

I think, one of the the fastest publishing procedure is for "Electronics Letters".

I agree, they normally response in a month

---------- Post added at 01:54 ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 ----------

Try to find out domestic journels in your country.
If you have done good work then why not to publish in IEEE MTT ?

How fast the IEEE-MTT?
what is the chance of the paper from IMS to be published on MTT?

---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 ----------

You can try "IET: Circuits, Devices and Systems"

what is the acceptance rate of this Journal?

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