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Where I can buy a cheap board in the UK ?

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
May 15, 2001
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Does anybody know where I can buy a cheap board in the UK ?

The £250+ price from Microchip is a little bit high for me !



:? :? 2 buy

Hi Schmitt

PM with your email. See also my reply in ebook forum.

Silvio 2 + ccs

The 39563a.pdf contains the circuit diagram. The 39563a.pdf (80 pages) has been removed from M_i_c_r_o_c_h_i_p web site and replaced by 39563b.pdf (54 pages, less circuit diagram)
You can buy RTL8019AS from for $30 and avoid soldering the spider.
I'm confident you can manage with the rest of components and build a nice PCB.

Please find bellow some of the software released for the M_i_c_r_o_c_h_i_p board and a beautiful excerpt from author's web site.

Let's start with the copyright notice on CD:
The programs and applications on this disk have been carefully tested, but are
not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any
warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any
information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results
obtained from use of such information.

So far so good. Now the original license agreement from Iosoft Ltd:

1.Development. There are no additional charges for 'personal experimentation', providing each developer has a copy of the 'TCP/IP Lean' book.

:p Well, that's funny !!! They really expect to believe that evaluation Microchip kit doesn't include the price of the book ? And I can do "personal experimentation' only if I have a copy of the book. And they claim that 'no additional charges'.

2.Production. Before the software can be used in a commercial application, an unlimited-incorporation license must be obtained. The price of the licenses has been kept low to encourage commercial usage.

Well, that's really funny !! :p How about the copyright above ? If the publisher doesn't offer any warranties and is not responsible for the results obtained from use of such information, who else could : my grandmother ?
If i purchase the p16web 1.03 version with some let's say omissions that have been added on the following release, it means I should buy a license ? For something with errors and omissions ? Bug off !!
We are talking here about 0 and 1 and some opcodes that follows the Harvard's rule. Try to paint like Rembrandt if you dare !

3.That it's really really funny !!!! :lol:
Why aren't the software updates free?
We are sometimes asked why the purchaser of a kit doesn't get free software updates. The answer is that the kit is a Microchip product, so Iosoft Ltd. does not profit from its sale. We do profit from the commercial licensing of our software, but the kit is often purchased by students, who use it for study & experimentation, but won't be taking out a commercial license.
We'd like to continue our policy of allowing students to experiment with our software at low cost, without purchase of a development license. However, we do need to get some income from this process, so have to charge for updates - the price (approx USD 20) has been set very low considering we're supplying a full source-code update, with significant enhancements, rather than just a few bug-fixes.

Seems, I hear a voice from behind : If you not agree with the above, why do you still use the software ?
Good question, why ? :?:


Because someone delete the attachements, here are the files again: schematic

I forgot the latest release I have (v2.02 ).

p18web iosoft

What do you think about following

....according to readme file....
The Hitech PIC18 compiler does compile P16WEB without any errors, but the
resulting binary image does not run correctly; the reason for this is
being investigated.

The following HEX images have been included:

P16WEBC.HEX Web server for PIC16 (PCM compiler)
P16WEBH.HEX Web server for PIC16 (PICC compiler)
P16WEB8C.HEX Web server with DHCP for PIC18 (PCH compiler)

P16WEBC.HEX-> 43k hex
is ccs produse more compact code than Hitech?????

the 2 buy

Please take a look

according to iosoft( hxxp:// )

ChipWeb v1.57
P16_USR.C line 192
This line contains a spurious while(0) and should be deleted.

P16_USR.C line 228
The statement if (blk == ~b) is open to ambiguity with some compilers, since the byte value 'b' may be promoted to a signed integer before the comparison. It is better to use b = ~b; if (blk == b) instead.

ChipWeb v2.02
P16_USR.C line 249
See the comment about if (blk == ~b) above.

Regards. development board schemetic

Have anyone tried to compile the files in both CCS and HI-TECH, which compiler makes the most compact file of these source codes?
The newest CCS compiler can be found here: hxxp://

picdem net microchip price


I am currently working on PCB board, i got realtek 8029 from old network cards... i'll share PCB for sure...

I was reading and thinking that we could do a group job, so that would not take us so long and forget the project, so...

I work on PCB and some people could work compiling and adapting the code to our needs...

Are you interested? Start to work....

buy picdem .net price

im drawing in pcad the board of with reference of DS39563A.pdf (microchip AN) and saw an problably mistake:
in page 69, S3, the key that is connected in PortB.5 of 16F877 are in series with the resistor(R10) once the tipical configuration for this resistor is like pull-up or down...
someone that have a new one schematic or the original board can confirm it to me??
Daniel :wink:

proteus picdem

"System.out", are you still busy in drawing a PCB for PICDEM.NET board look-alike?

I'm wondering if someone managed to build a clone (o a near similar system) by using a standard NE 2000 card based on schematic.
All the schematics I saw on the net using NE2000 + PIC are not compatible
with the standard board, so software modifications are needed to run the original software on it

I'm about to start this project, and I wouldn't reinvent wheel or warm water ...


buy picdem

dpechman said:
im drawing in pcad the board of with reference of DS39563A.pdf (microchip AN) and saw an problably mistake:
in page 69, S3, the key that is connected in PortB.5 of 16F877 are in series with the resistor(R10) once the tipical configuration for this resistor is like pull-up or down...
someone that have a new one schematic or the original board can confirm it to me??
Daniel :wink:
Hi, i've been using DS39563B for my design. It's just the same like in your's. The 470 Ohm resistor (r10) is in series too. I've tested the design and it works fine!
Perhaps the software is using the available PORTB internal pull up (haven't checked yet).


picman2 said:
"System.out", are you still busy in drawing a PCB for PICDEM.NET board look-alike?

I'm wondering if someone managed to build a clone (o a near similar system) by using a standard NE 2000 card based on schematic.
All the schematics I saw on the net using NE2000 + PIC are not compatible
with the standard board, so software modifications are needed to run the original software on it

I'm about to start this project, and I wouldn't reinvent wheel or warm water ...

I've done this Job. I built up the Microweb project from Kim Olesen, and i saw that there are too many bugs. So i changed the board to by using some Verowires (only a few changes). I've posted the Microweb Eagle files, so you can change it to yourself (look for the schematic of DS39563B). My project uses Realtek 8019 ISA card.

Bye, Halabat.

edtp software full version free download

After a long study i buyed the edtp realtec board with pic. The software included is not for a http server.
The p16web software exactly what i need, but what i can't figure out is how to get the webpages into the pic. The old version 1.03 has a program to pac the html's into a file (webpage.rom)
The schematics of the edtp board is the same like the picdem board. board

Anyone test the ppp code? It´s very usefull for monitoring remote system.
Thanks a lot, Gorkin!

realtek 8019 scematic

Is tat somebody can show me how to write the driver for RTL8019AS? 2 software

Hi feiutm9898,

It's a NE2000 compatible, maybe the datasheet of DP8390D from National Semiconductor will help.


If you need include file from TCP Lean book project please pm me.

Good luck, Halabat :) 2 schematic

Is anybody know what is the max transfer rate?

Added after 2 minutes:

Is anybody know what is the max transfer rate on

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The uses an 10MBit Ethernetcontroller...

pic18; 16-bit opcode; ccs pch compiler download

anyone have p18web 2.62 or previous version?

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Sobakava said:
anyone have p18web 2.62 or previous version?

If you're still interested please find bellow v2.61

For v2.62 go to and download file uploaded by sky123
Like he/she said
If someone has the schematic, it would be nice to see it...

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