What's your opinion on LinkedIn?

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Anyone use LinkedIn?

I have an account there

Anyone use LinkedIn?

I do to. But I haven't found it terribly useful. It's more like another place to store contacts.

I wonder what are the chances of me getting a job through LinkedIn.

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

I use it also

Anyone use LinkedIn?

I have heard that jobs posted at LinkedIn website are not posted everywhere....Not sure how true that is.

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

I am using linkedin a lot and find it extremely useful

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

I use linkedin a lot
and I just love it...
it's sort of like facebook but for professional contacts
the best professional networking site

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

Yes, I am completely agree.
There are plenty of networking websites, but linkedin is the best!
It is growing extremely fast especially in the last year.
And more new features are added all the time.

Please feel free to send me an invitation to connect and visit my profile here:

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

I also use it.. These days a lot of head-hunters are using linkedin actively so if somebody is looking for a job or change then surely have an account there...

Re: Anyone use LinkedIn?

I use it...

It's really cool

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