Whats the easiest of these uC projects for beginners

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Newbie level 3
Apr 8, 2012
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Hi all. We have been given the following suggestions for uC project using 8051/avr in assembly or c (its our choice). As im a beginner can u arrange the list in an order of difficultly level...or tell me whats the easiest of them all bc im not too good in programming either. I hope to take up an easy project right now and work on it properly then later move up to a greater difficulty level for the future uC projects.
>> Digital clock (with LCD or 7-segment display and resolution upto seconds)
>> Real time clock IC interfacing and display on LCD
>> Serial Port Communication between PC and Microcontroller
>> Parallel Port Communication between PC and Microcontroller
>> Speed and direction control of a toy car
>> Stepper motor control
>> Line follower
>> Calculator(able to perform basic arithmetic and logical operations) with LCD or 7 segment display.
>> Moving message display on a Dot matrix
>> Snake game using a Dot matrix display
>> Digital door lock, with user authentication support and password change option on the fly.
>> Memory interface with microcontroller
>> Room temprature control
>> Room visitor counter and light automation
>> LCD and keypad interfacing with a microcontroller

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:59 ----------

umm i think the stepper motor control is simple right? how difficult is the calculator relative to the rest?

I can suggest below tasks as easy applicaitons;
Serial Port Communication between PC and Microcontroller (this easy if your uC has UART module inside, such as pic16f877 i ma not sure about avr and 8051)
Stepper motor control (yes, it is easy task)
Moving message display on a Dot matrix (There are many practice on 2x16dot matrix on the net, and in forum)

Good luck
Reactions: Doosra


    Points: 2
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well i have a nice experience of almost all the projects you have mentioned , but believe me if you want to learn uc especially 8051 core then try projects which include maximum utilization of port pins i.e. more peripherals you interface more you grow in your handling experience of uC

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

by the way easiest of them all is SERIAL PORT COMMUNICATION
Reactions: Doosra


    Points: 2
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Doosra said:
>> Parallel Port Communication between PC and Microcontroller
You better avoid this one, it is kind of obsolete.
Reactions: Doosra


    Points: 2
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and how difficult is the calculator relative to the rest? (and what will be the challenging areas for it i guess a sharp efficient code will be the key? )

The simplest and most straight forward project in my opinion would be:

Serial Port Communication between PC and Microcontroller

Both the 8051 and AVR have UARTs, there are numerous examples of such a project both here in this forum and other blogs/forums.

Many of the details are taken care of by a properly configured UART, minimizing the actual coding involved.

The project would require a RS-232 transceiver or level shifter for the RS-232 connection to the PCs serial port.

You could start with a simple "echo" of characters input from a terminal program on the PC and expand the project to turning on/off LEDs, etc.

The stepper motor control project would require additional hardware to drive the stepper motor as well as a method of user input, UART, switches, etc.

Substantially more coding could be involved with this project depending on the design requirements.


hi dosra .....but many time not warking dosra & tesra heheheh ...... just joke dont mind
any way dosra i suggest you if you are bignar you must be try to flowcode its best and very
easy for microcontroller
here is all projects is easy just fun to lurn playing playing make project

If you doing with C:
Serial communication + calculator!

Nice and simple!

and how difficult is the calculator relative to the rest? (and what will be the challenging areas for it i guess a sharp efficient code will be the key? )

By Calculator are you referring to multiple 7-segment displays and a keypad?

If so, significantly more difficult than establishing serial communications with a PC.

Utilizing an LCD display would simplify the task a bit, however keypads can be challenging for the novice.

I would strongly recommend establishing serial communications with a PC, you can define a more elaborate task by turning on/off LEDs, turning a motor on/off, etc, by issuing commands from the PC.

After you implement the design, you could always move on to more challenging projects.


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