What materials are needed for noise level detector design?

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Newbie level 3
Jul 9, 2005
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noise level detector???

I and my group planned to have a project about noise level detector using DSP for our project design...and we are wondering if what are the things we should gather to produce the hardware...i mean the materials needed..does it cost much?? somebody please help us...we need your advice...what particular devices that can detect noise level?and where can we get it?or anybody can help make it...please...

Re: noise level detector???

Need more information: What do you know about the characteristics of the uncorrupted signal for which you are trying to detect the noise?

Re: noise level detector???

Kral said:
Need more information: What do you know about the characteristics of the uncorrupted signal for which you are trying to detect the noise?

hi kral..what do you mean?
amm... our field of study will be a public place like libraries...its like a voice detector but in this project we will focus more in determining the level of noise..amm...its like a noise level alarm when it reaches a point were we set as its peak a device will trigger or sound. sort of like that one...honestly I am still confussed about this project, me and my groupmates don't know yet where to start..hope that you could help us or you can recommend us to somebody...please...

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