What kind of noise is generated in high frequency?

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Full Member level 4
Feb 2, 2005
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please tell me all kind of noise that would probably generated in high frequency..

thank you

Re: high frequency noise

Inside circuits:

Johnson noise from resistances.

current noise from finite charge of electrons.

excess noise from active devices.

transients and oscillators making spectral line type nose.

Outside circuits:


load surges on power lines


radiation from oscillators inside equipment.

cosmic noise from outer space

hot bodies, like the sun

Re: high frequency noise

please tell me how to reduce johnson noise? is it we use the capacitor parallel with the source that generate thermal noise? because the capacitor cannot dissipate power, or we use high resistance of input impedance of the next stage?

please give me some explanation about current noise, excess noise

what is spectral line noise??

is it we call the outside noise as stray noise??

quote : "radiation from oscillators inside equipment."

what kind of radiation?

hot bodies, like the sun <-- why the hot bodies generate noise in high frequency??

thank you very much for the reply

Re: high frequency noise

There are entire books on this subject. There are multi-volume book sets on radiation noise reduction.

You might try looking for books with "low noise" in part of their title. Ott wrote a famous one.

If you would zero in on your situation, we could help better.

high frequency noise

shut noise, 1/f noise (most in FET), white noise (termal noise), interfernce from out of the circuit and ...

Re: high frequency noise

Johnson noise from resistances.

excess noise from active devices.

transients and oscillators making spectral line type nose.

Re: high frequency noise

The slower the repetition. the lower the frequency of the noise

The level of low frequency noise from a sound source is determined primarily by the rate at which the changes in force, pressure, and speed are repeated. The longer the time between changes, the lower the frequency of the noise generated. The level of noise depends on the amount of the change.

Two gears have the same pitch diameter but different numbers of teeth. If they rotate at the same speed, the gear with fewer teeth will produce a lowerfrequency noise.

High frequency sound is strongly directional and more easily reflected
When high frequency sound strikes a hard surface, it is reflected much like light from a mirror. High frequency sound does not travel around corners easily

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