what is voltage regulator

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Junior Member level 3
Aug 23, 2011
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hi..what is the function of voltage regulator..explain in simple

hi..what is the function of voltage regulator..explain in simple

To make voltage regulation! They used to adjust voltage for some circuit.

There are two types regulated and fixed. Fixed have fixed voltages 5V,6V,9V,12V,... and regulated LM317,LM338,LM350,... can regulate voltage.

If on input you have 24V and you need to adjust voltage to 5V, you then use 7805 voltage regulator, after regulator you have fixed 5V.
If you whant manualy regulate voltage from 1 to 30V and more use regulated voltage regulator LM317,LM338,...

LM338K can go up to 5A! ;-)

The output of an ideal voltage source is stable, and doesn't change when current is drawn from it. The value may also change for other reasons too

Many real-world, practical, voltage sources are not stable and the value of the voltage will change when the current drawn from them changes. Their output may also change if the a.c. supply from which they operate changes, perhaps due to poor design.

A voltage regulator counteracts any voltage change and attempts to keep the value of the voltage supplied at a constant figure.

Voltage regulator have some working rules described in manufacturer datasheets. One of thise rules is input voltage must be greater at least 3V from regulated voltage. Of course on markets exist lowdrop voltage regulators, but and they have some rules for working.

Power dissipation Input - Output * Current rules!

My advice read datasheet of voltage regulator.

stops things frying or going bang by supplying a constant voltage (eiter variablle or fixed)

It is exactly the same as the name means, Voltage Regulator, which REGULATES the input VOLTAGE for use on some device for the specific given voltage from a different supply voltage value.

hi..what is the function of voltage regulator..explain in simple

Hi friend.........

An important function of a voltage regulator is to take input voltage from a power source and stabilize it in order to guard against fluctuations. Another role is to help convert the input voltage to an amount an external device can use.

Circuit Examples:

Fixed for 5V (3,3V 5V 6V 8V 9V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V,...)

Regulated (user can manualy adjust needed voltage)

How they looks :

TO220 Case

TO3 Case
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