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What is the maximum range of RF transceiver module available in India?

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Full Member level 3
Full Member level 3
Jul 19, 2004
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Hi friends, what is the maximum range of RF transceiver module available in india (BANGALRE) . Im looking for a 1 km Range.


rf transceiver how to figure distance range

binojkumar said:
Hi friends, what is the maximum range of RF transceiver module available in india (BANGALRE) . Im looking for a 1 km Range.

Unless you are a license holder, you would, i fear, be in the hands of Police in no time you start transmitting. why such long distances and how you plan not to interfere with others or get interfered by others.

rf maximum range

What type of data you want to transmit over such distance? Is it Audio, Video, analog or digital?

Please be more specific.

rf transceiver for digital audio

Not sure what you can get in Bangalre <sic> but XBee makes long range RF modules.
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digital rf transceiver modules

seadolphine2000 said:
What type of data you want to transmit over such distance? Is it Audio, Video, analog or digital?

Please be more specific.

It is 1 km range remote control, im sending digital data only.

microcontroller rf transceiver

Since you are going to transmit data only only, therefore I think that a simple FM transmitter can do the trick.
Check the below website, there are several of FM transmitter those can cover the required range.
All you have to do is to encode your data before applying it the transmitter.
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I hope this helps.

rfid transceiver long distance

Hope you are refering TLP modules working on 433 Mhz. These will have maximum range of 100 Meters in open space. For transmitting for more distance, you need more power and for that license from Wireless planning and co-ordination wing (WPC) Dept of Telecommunication, Govt of India.Delhi. Good luck

transmitting digital audio over a rf transceiver

pranam77 said:
Hope you are refering TLP modules working on 433 Mhz. These will have maximum range of 100 Meters in open space. For transmitting for more distance, you need more power and for that license from Wireless planning and co-ordination wing (WPC) Dept of Telecommunication, Govt of India.Delhi. Good luck
I am of the opinion that the same signal instead of broadcasting, if could be beamed, it will cover longer distance. Of course, one has to design small directional antennae for Tx and Rx both

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