What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI field

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Full Member level 3
Jun 12, 2004
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I want to konw the current hottest research topics in mixed signal LSI field to determine my research topic.
please give me good advices,thank you.

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f


Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

RF ic in low power

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

ESD protection circuits in nanameterr Technology.

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

From a Fab perpective mixed signal presents a few hot topics for urgent attention :

Since 0.35um technologies, subsequent shrinks (now to 90nm and 65nm) have left the mixed signal and RF transistors stuck around 0.30um and requiring dual voltages (extra processing).

Layout is no longer just a front end of Fab concern (prior to metallisation). Now interconnect cross talk is affecting the analogue guys too as metal pitches shrink and the dielectric constant of the inter layer dielectrics is sort of stuck at no less than 2.3 (best case !).

RF IO ESD layout definitely.

Noise isolation as guard rings take up a lot of space, buried layers and trench taps become more attractive but require extra processing.

ADC's ?? Whats so difficult about them apart from if you need a good 10 bit ADC, use a 16 bit and chop off 4 bits.

IO transients are also a concern in audio circuits. EG if you design the output amp for an iPod on 0.25um 3.3V and some wee thug pulls out you head phone socket .........!

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

Thank you Colbhaidh for your advices.

I also want to know from the circuit design perpective what are the hot topics of mixed signal circuit design?

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

I do not agree with what Colbhaidh discussed about the topic in ADCs.
Of course, different area have their own hittest research topics, and I agree with other topics that Colbhaidh discussed unless for the ADCs.
In terms on mixed-signal IC system perspective, ADCs surely is the most hittest topic in this area. Of course you can design 16-bit ADC and asked the customer to chop off the last 4 bit, but I think no one will buy your 16-bit ADC (especially in analog IP) to just used in 10-bit purpose due to exponentially increase power and silicon area requirement with the increasing number of bits. The most demanding and difficulties in ADCs are SIMUTANEOUSLY obtain high-speed, medium-to-high resolution (10-16 bit), resonable power and silicon consumption. I think the future trends need at least 10-bit ADCs in severl hundard MHz range, can 16-bit ADC process such high-speed?

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

Any breakthrough in mixed-signal design will be the hottest !!
Here is the trend: low power, low voltage, low noise, high DR, high speed, high accuracy, low cost, ...

how to anti-distort between analog and digital is very very hot,i am not sure it is hottest!!

Re: What is the hottest research topic in mixed signal LSI f

continuous time sigma delta ADC, signal bandwidth>10MHz
and wide band sigma delta DAC

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