What is the difference between RTOS products?

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Jun 5, 2003
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What is the difference between RTOS product, another word

- What is the best RTOS for 8051?
- What is the best RTOS for PIC?

and why??


picos18 atmel


RTOS is generally used to deal with more complex code.
for Example if you have more number of process it will be easy to manage with a RTOS.

There are many RTOS availabe for 8-bit Microcontrollers.

Generally PIC and Atmel microcontrollers are having less memory. So we should be careful while selecting a RTOS for them.

SALVO suits both.

UCOS-II also Suits but Only PIC 18 series will be supported.


The Best RTOS

the TinyOS is also good for Wireless Network Sensor, you can just try to install it to test the sensor

Re: The Best RTOS


RTOs learner mean, better can choose SALVO RTOS . this best and good for microcontroller / dsp based rtos application.

it support 8051 Based applications , like 8051, Atmel....
PIc microcontroller,... PIC 16F877

U want more infor download www.microchip.com appliation note APN 0777. for multitasking RTOs application

The Best RTOS

I do not know which RTOS is better for a 8 bit microcontroller but I think your selection should be an open-source free RTOS. so that you can go into it's depth easily.
is SALVO free?

Re: The Best RTOS

salvo is not free ,it cost about 1250$ with source code.

Re: The Best RTOS

hi all
wat karan said for micro controller rtos is the best approach i had gone through
better go to www.pumpkininc.com and chek ther u will get all info for pic and other controller its the best ,u can get free download of salvo but u wont get complete lib that u can use max

Re: The Best RTOS

use uCOS-II because it is well documented and has got a book

The Best RTOS

I think the "RTEMS" is a good one, because RTEMS is a real RTOS, and it support many device.

Added after 2 minutes:

in addition, the govenment website is https://www.rtems.org/
the new version is RTEMS 4.7

The Best RTOS

uclinux also better
and have some design can find on internet

Re: The Best RTOS

You need to define 'best' before you ask a question like this. What platform are you using, and what development tools? Do you want to spend money on it? Generally the free RTOSs are more difficult to use, but the commercial ones cost a lot of money. Some compilers come with an included rtos which may be enough for your needs. Some posters here are giving you OSs which are for 16/32 bit processors 'RTEMS,' is one example.
The best advice I've seen here is for uCOS II, because as you build it, you can read about it, and gain understanding of how to use it well. That being said, picOS18, or freertos, is probably worth looking into. SALVO has a demo version, that is probably the quickest to get up and running.
Most likely, you can get by with a simple scheduler, which you can write yourself. RTOS is well suited to apps where timing is critical: auto-pilots, and medical equipment, where a failure in timing can spell disaster. For almost all hobby projects, a scheduler is enough.
Just my two cents,

Re: The Best RTOS

i always think ecos,ucos, and itron is the best. other is paying

Re: The Best RTOS

UCOS has a problem,it is not round robin,we can not have tasks at the same priority and executes them periodically.
How do you solve this problem in UCOSII?

UCOS II also need more ram ,for example ATmega64 with 4K Int RAM is not enough for UCOS-II ,we need to add external RAM ,what is your idea?

Re: The Best RTOS

>UCOS has a problem,it is not round robin,we can not have tasks at the same >priority and executes them periodically.How do you solve this problem in >UCOSII?

Please tell me when you want to build the same priority ? so i can show you.
For my case like 4 pcs Seven Segmen showing and 4x4 keypad. Using the same I/O which one priority is important ?
I think it's same. You can set seven segmen showing at high priority and ISR at keypad.
Or at the same task can do two perform two process.
In theory we can said this more weaker than other. in real world i think ucos is enough.

>UCOS II also need more ram ,for example ATmega64 with 4K Int RAM is not
>enough for UCOS-II ,we need to add external RAM ,what is your idea?

You can close some var if you not use. such flag semaphore or others that's u are not using for the application. RTOS only recommended for 16 bit or upper. is it ATmega64 is 16 bit or 32 bit ?

As i know RTOS using for handling complex task. For simple task you can use manual one. State process or other technique.

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