what is response time for opamp?

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Jul 3, 2012
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i m serching an opamp with good parameter. i want to differentiate 2 signals for that i am searching differetial amplifier. In which instead of slew rate and bandwidh, response time is given. how it differs ? if differential amplifier has 80ns response time than what it's indicate?


The settling time is enough to specify the speed of any electronic circuit because it include all the types of delay as you can see from the image. the maximum clock frequency and hence the speed of a clocked system can only defined by the settling time.

if you are multiplexing or processing your signal after you are reading it by the operational amplifier then you have to look for this time to follow the next stage.
if it is not like that then you have to take care only about the S.R

fast settling time for sure it mean high S.R but high S.R doesnt mandatory to lead to a fast settling time that because the settling time not only depend on the slew rate but also on the bandwidth and the phase margin also.

Response time is a typical parameter to specify components with digital output, e.g. a comparator. It's no commonly used term for OPs.

in OpAmp the tr and tf is part of the slew rate that we always define. for the digital circuit we refer to use the term " prpogation delay" if we assume that there is no damping oscillation time as shown in the image


Why didn't you try to ask a clear question?
Are you searching an opamp or a differential amplifier or do you intend to use an opamp as diff. amplifier?
And what means "differentiate 2 signals"?
At the same time?
Really "differentiate" or subtract from each other?

Remember: A helpful answer requires a clear question.

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