what is Http and https?

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HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the protocol your web browser uses to view web pages. HTTPS is HTTP Secure. Website Use HTTPS to protect you when you are sending sensitive information such as a credit card number by encrypting the page with a SSL certificate.

When you go to a website that asks you for any sensitive information, such as your bank’s website or when purchasing something online, you should always check the address for the HTTPS if the S is not there then any information you give well be sent without any encryption. If someone was intercepting or “sniffing” the information, they could read it whereas when it’s encrypted it would just look like gibberish.

Most web addresses begin with "HTTP," which is an acronym for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol." It's the protocol used to allow you to communicate with web sites.

"HTTPS" stands for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure." It means that information exchanged between you and a web site is encrypted and cannot be hijacked by someone who might want to electronically eavesdrop when you type a credit card number, a password, a social security number, or any other person information.

The purpose of the email is to encourage you to check for the "HTTPS" before you give financial information. Most web sites are not HTTPS, but when you click a link to make a purchase, many of them will direct you to an HTTPS site.

According to Verisign.com, a provider of Internet infrastructure services, Secure Socket Layer Encryption is a technology that protects Web sites and makes it easy to develop trust by means of an "SSL Certificate that enables encryption of sensitive information during online transactions. Each SSL Certificate contains unique, authenticated information about the certificate owner and a Certificate Authority verifies the identity of the certificate owner when it is issued. "

Just because a website uses such SSL encryption does not safeguard internet users from phishing and other schemes. When visiting websites that accept financial information online it is always a wise practice to make sure the online company is legitimate, has a good reputation in customer service and uses SSL encryption in their transactions.

Basically Https uses 128 bit encryption so that data cannot be decoded if hacked... they are more secure and HTTP
thanks for your reply.
another similar term is Secure http. is it similar to https???
plz can you give an example of such website using https

http uses 64 bit and less encryption techniques that can be decoded by hackers. but https uses 128 bit encryption to keep data safe

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

people are adviced to use https as many people many not understand technical details of this
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