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What is better Micorwave Office 2002 or Genesys 8.11?

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Dec 20, 2002
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Simulation RF

I want to know which one of these two shofts microwave office 2002 and Genesys 8.11 is the much harder.

I guess MWO is much more user friendly and you could quickly adapt easily. But still, it depends on the type of applications you're going to use them for...

As far as I know, genesys is the best for filter synthesis. It is definitely better than MWO in this area.

RF Simulation

You may like to try serenade or APLAC.

I think, MWO more useful, especially in nonlinear analysis. Included powerful and easy-to-use optimizer makes the design more easy.

With responce,

genesys has good synthsis functions, for example:pLL,filter. In this point other software cannot match and replace it.

Agilent ADS is really hard to use despite it is most common in university but expensive.

I likes Microwave office, it is simple and fast.

In filter simulation, I would try both Microwave office and Eagleware.


M/W/O and E/a/g/l/e/w/a/r/e are both easy to use. M/W/O has the better system and E/M/ simulator. E/a/g/l/e/w/a/r/e has the better filter synthesizer (and PLL, too). @/D/S is the hardest to use and its circuit synthesizers are from the dark ages. If you are just getting started, try the student version of A/n/s/o/f/t S/e/r/e/n/a/d/e. Its free.

Who can share the newer MWO VSS system

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mwo or genesys

generally speaking ads and mwo is better than genesys but of course, you pay a few times more than you pay for genesys. If you do not need these for high frequency, i.e., above 10 GHz, you can use genesys at a fraction of the ads price.

By the way, Genesys is catching up very fast. Soon it will match the other two but with a lower price. Also at RF frequency, it is a good software to start with.


Gene$y$ is a combination of misc tools.
MW0 is general tools,
AD$ is a complex and delux platform
it has been integrated into $PECTA RF
$erenade is a good circuit simulater.

i think no rf eda software can exceed the ads!because ads has much system simulate tools;

i want to simulate a spread spectrum transmission system, but i don't know what software simulator to use.

@DS is more batter, since it provide u a compelet design platform form system design to circuit design, device design.


You may like to try serenade which is equally good....

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