What is best tool to learn VHDL?

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Feb 23, 2002
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vhdl cbt

Hi All,

I'm new to VHDL an have access to ActiveVHDL and ModelSim.

I would like to use them with Xilinx parts.

Which is the best program for a new person to learn fast?

Thanks in advance for your advice.


cbt vhdl

For beginner the best tools for learning VHDL would be Xilinx tools and they are availabe free from Xilinx's site.

ActiveHDL is definately better for beginner, because it contains HDL entry, Graphic entry and simulator in one package.

best tools for learning VHDL would be FPGA.
such as altera, Xilinx, Actel

aldec's active-hdl is a good tools to learn vhdl.
After you is famlious with vhdl language, you should resort to synplify, modelsim, ise.
Otherwise, the language is not useful.
Because there is big gap between real design and pure hdl .

find more details in website,fpga.com
and xilinx.com

It needs to use a FPGA thynthesizer like synplicity ...to check if your VHDL codes is optimal at any time. Then your writing ability could increase.

lckpiezo said:
It needs to use a FPGA thynthesizer like synplicity ...to check if your VHDL codes is optimal at any time. Then your writing ability could increase.

Most simulator can check your code for synthesis.
Coding style is also important for beginner.
"Reuse Methodology Manual" points out some good style for coding.

find a book for vhdl for digital design, such as the one that was written by a cypress fpga fae.

kevin somthing.

see if u can get doulous CBT for VHDL (www.dolous.co.uk) ..itz very good n u can immediately start designining using VHDL.... one note..i thinks itz not free..see if anyone can share it...

yes,do exercise on demo board

find a cheap demo board and use it for u learn

I think just a good text book and a good simulator like modelsim is enough for acquiring theoritical knowledge.


Active HDL & Xilinx tools are good for beginners in VLSI design using VHDL...

ModelSim & Synplify Pro are the excellent tools for advanced /professonal designers...

As a beginner,Active hdl is better.

Xilinx tool Good for beginning ^_^

It just depends on you....

Xilinx Simulation ls good...

Xilinx tool is good as their internet support is good

ModelSim is a good simulator for VHDL, and you can attend the Dolous training course for VHDL.

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