What is a temporal window or filter?

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Junior Member level 2
May 12, 2007
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Does anybody know what a temporal window or filter is?

temporal window

temporal window is meant window in time domain.
it is a filter too.

temporal rectangular window

I but need more explanation!

temporal rectangular window

Hi Friend, see my clarification:

When the DFT of a sequence is taken, off-bin frequencies leak to some extent into all bins. The result can be, in the general case, a greatly diminished ability to distinguish discrete frequencies from each other when they are close.Leakage can, however, be reduced bymultiplying the signal sequence by a smoothing function called a Window prior to taking the DFT.

Hence, the leakage will be generated due to the discontiuity in time domain. The bigger the discontinuity, the more the leakage. To reduce the effect of spectral leakage, a window function can be used whose amplitude tapers smothly and gradually toward zero at both ends. Applying the window function w to a data sequence x to obtain a windowed sequence xw is better illusterated in the following equation,

xw=x w for n=0,1,2......,N-1

The common window functions are listed as follows (these are not all the types),

1. The rectangular window (no window function):-

WR=1 0≤n≤N-1

2. The triangular window:-

Wtri=1-{|2n-N+1|/(N-1)} 0≤n≤N-1

3. The Hamming window:-

Wham=0.54-0.46 cos(2Πn/(N-1)) 0≤n≤N-1

4. The Hanning window:-

Whn=0.5-0.5 cos(2Πn/(N-1)) 0≤n≤N-1

Now, tell me my friend, is that enough?


temproal window

I know about windowing.
Take a look at this paper:


page 5
right column
first paragraph.

It says convolving with (not multiplying) temporal window.
Of course this window has a frequency response and acts similar to
common filters. So what is the name temporal here?

Re: temporal window?

Yes my friend, the convolution in time domain corresponds to a multiplication in the frequencey domain!!!!!

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