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As Jamie pointed out...power domains are created when you want to have a design where different blocks work with different voltage levels. This is a low power design techniques besides methods such as clock gating..
UPF is a unified power format through which you specify the information...
In my thought of writing upf/cpf commands is like (just imagine) genertating power supply to a town
the main design is like town set_scope town :inupf
each sub_domain is like a house,hospital,factory etc create_power_domain hospital -domain {hospital} :in upf
creating power supply ports is like placing transformer
creating power nets is like alloting current cables around the town
connecting power nets is like connecting cables to your home pins
creating ground nets is like alloting ground to your home
level shifter are like step up or step down transformers between areas
isolation cells are like giving power to operation theatre in a hospital in town irrespective of power supply ICU's in hospital should always switch on the power.
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