What are the job options for Electronics & Comm graduate

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Junior Member level 3
Jul 11, 2004
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career advice please

hi i am a final year engg student and i need advice. my branch is electronics and communication. what are the different job oppurtunities in this field.
i am a fresher and so suggest something suitable for a beginner . i am from india and now since IT industry is in a big boom right now there are a lot of companies recruiting fresh engineers rite now. but i dont want to work in the IT field. so suggest something other than this.
thanx in advance

Re: career advice please

Hi Leo, i'm also a final year student, from Perú...

Listen, the most common thing over here is to work for some operator in telecom, like network monitor or technical help, almost every business needs a network managmente system, you can go into the line of work if you are interested in telecom.

There is also the research field wich is not very good in my country, dont know how it's for yours, this kind of field deals with the researchs for new technology in the electronics field, i find this very interestingf and gratifing though there is non of this in my country.

Well, i dont know what else to tell you, you can do your own business, developing projects and selling them or taking the ideas from other people and develop them, that can be some interesting line of work.

I hope this helps you, one question though, what does IT means?

Re: career advice please

first let me thank u 4 replying to my mail. IT means information technology.Includes all matters concerned with the furtherance of computer science and technology and with the design, development, installation, and implementation of information systems and applications .

Re: career advice please

Well I guess its time to decide whats more important. .... your intrest or job prospects. For ECE you can either go into Design (digital/ analog) or System or Architecture etc. In india there is abundance of jobs for IT sector with very few companies doing into ECE.

If you are really interested in Hardware side you can try applying to ST microelectronics at Noida or Texas Instr. in bangalore. ST is mostly into FPGA at the noida branch.


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