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What are the difference between various motors?

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Jun 5, 2005
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DC motors?
AC motors?
Single Phase motors?
3 phase motors?
PWM motor?
Phase modulation motors?
stepper motors?

Whats the Difference between all these motors?
Do they all have different rotation cycles?

What does a DC vs AC motor do different than another?

Whats the different between a Single phase vs 3 phase motors? what do they do different?

I'm looking for a motor that has a input so i can input a triangle waveform or square waveform to change the rotation cycles which motor would do this please?

Re: motor theory

For a good description of different types of motors (including animations) please take a look at

**broken link removed**

For phase angle control
**broken link removed**

For PWM control
**broken link removed**

Power converter topologies for motors
**broken link removed**

I hope these will help you visualize motor operation and control.

Best regards,

Re: motor theory

Most motors rotate continiously

I'm trying to get different motor rotating not continiously

LFO cycles= motor rotations

A LFO can be sinewave,square wave,triangle wave, other

I'm trying to make a motor rotations like a LFO cycles
because a LFO is not continious it can have different shapes,slopes,curves on the output of a LFO circuit
Most motors rotate continious im trying to change the shape,slope,curve of the motors rotations like a LFO

LFO cycles like a motor rotations

Re: motor theory

if you have square wave you could get use of stepper motor, you cuold supply the signal into its drive pin direction of the driver IC.

all kinds of dc motor could change direction with suitable control circuit, if you need low power dc motors the direction could be changed easily if you use dc motors of cassete recorders machines

for ac motors the control is more difficult than dc althought it could be done for changing the direction

motor theory

Hi walters,

With limitations in bandwidth, a servo (AC or DC), or even a stepper motor, coupled to an adequate servo driver can do anything you wish.
Best regards

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