"voltage gain" Vs "power gain"

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power gain reflects the performance of efficiency of the devices.
and we use S parameter to represent the power gain.

But sometime voltage gain can be the important factor to be considered.
For example, the electricity you use is converted by 1:10^n transformer which is voltage gain but the efficiency is the power gain.

Power Gain in dB == Voltage Gain as log as input and output impedance are same. Because power =v*v/R.

But when impedance are not same, let say OP-AMP where input and output impedance are not same.
then better talk on voltage gain.

power gain reflects the performance of efficiency of the devices.
and we use S parameter to represent the power gain.

But sometime voltage gain can be the important factor to be considered.
For example, the electricity you use is converted by 1:10^n transformer which is voltage gain but the efficiency is the power gain.

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