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Newbie level 2
Sep 1, 2008
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voice based calculator

any 1 can provide with any information of making a calculator with speech regconition???? my voice input is from a dspic, may be 4 pins. i need to use a pic and a lcd for the calcualtor operation. i am a beginner .Plz provide me with a hardware diagram and also the software program. For my calculator operation, i need the user to choose " 1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/", then "enter 1st number" ,then "enter 2nd number" with the help of a 2x16 lcd. can any expert provede me the software programming for my purpose???the reason i use this method is because the dsp can only recognize 0-9 but not+-*/.THANKS!!!

voice input calculator

Well Microchip has a voice recognition library/API, for $2,600. There are some voice recognition chips out there, but they are for experienced designers, not beginners.

My advice is to see if Microsoft's Speech API is available for WinCE .NET, I think it is. Then do it on a WinCE device.

calculator operated by my voice

the dsp i use , it has its own library of 100 words for speech recognition, +-*/ not in it. i can not modify it also. the only way i can do is in the software of my pic. the only idea i can come out is as below
step 1 user choose "1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/"
step 2 user "say the 1st number"
step 3user "say the 2nd number"
step 4 "answer"
i will be using pic18f452.
can any software expert write my a c language script for my algorithm.
i am very stressful now' thx!!!

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