VisionBot - SMT Pick and Place machine for garage electronics assembly

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Newbie level 1
Jul 18, 2015
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Hey, I am Alexandru and right now, I am working to design VisionBot which is an affordable Surface Mount Technology assembly shooter that can be used to place about 2,000 SMD chips onto Printed Circuit Boards for PCBA. Practically the VisionBot machine will enable the dream of millions electrical engineers, hackers and makers just like me an you to manufacture electronic devices in their own garage. One week ago we changed VisionBot design from using a needle to advance the cut tape with automatically feeders.

VisionBot is still in the beta testing and in a few months it will be available to the makers through our website and maybe a crowd-funding platform. Using advanced Computer Vision VisionBot is avoiding electronical waste and is professionally assembling Printed Circuit Boards. It is estimated that VisionBot will be able to assembly about 75,000 electronic boards per year.

Although, VisionBot is compatibile with standardized files like RS-274X Gerber files, the machine works also with the classical CSV files. VisionBot will enable the dream of many makers who want to turn their homemade prototypes into industrial products by starting an electronic production.

VisionBot Main software showing the Gerber Editor

A picture of the VisionBot machine

Do you have any suggesions to improve VisionBot? Here is our Hackaday project DIY details. In 2 weeks we will upload a new Video showing everything

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