VHDL simulation problem

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Advanced Member level 5
Aug 20, 2011
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The following happens in ModelSim :

signal noise : std_logic := '0' ;
signal stable_one : std_logic ;
signal x : std_logic ;

stable_one <= '1' ;
noise <= not noise after 100 ns ;
[COLOR="#FF0000"]x[/COLOR] <= noise , stable_one after 10 ms ;

I expected that signal 'x' will stabilize to a stable logic '1' after 10 ms. However, the waveform shows otherwise!
signal x continues to be driven by signal "noise" indefinitely...

Why is that ???
How shall I rewrite my code so it'll do what I expect it to...?

Now what did your mother teach you about including full testbench code and a screenshot of your waveform?

library ieee ;
	use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
	use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
	use ieee.math_real.all ;

library work ;
	use work.package_functions.all ;
entity tb_debouncer is
    G :   unsigned ( 31 downto 0 ) := to_unsigned ( 50000000 , 32 )								             
) ;											
end entity tb_debouncer ;

architecture simulation_tb_debouncer of tb_debouncer is

component debouncer is
    G : unsigned ( 31 downto 0 ) := to_unsigned ( 50000000 , 32 )								             
) ;												
	I_CLOCK :       	in 	std_logic ;                               				        			
	I_RESET_GLOBAL :	in 	std_logic ;                                  			  			
	I_RESET_LOCAL : 	in 	std_logic ;        		                   				
	I_TIME :		in	unsigned ( log_2_unsigned ( G ) downto 0 ) ;  
	I_BOUNCING : 	in 	std_logic ;                            			    
	O_DEBOUNCED :	buffer 	std_logic ;   
	O_RISE :		buffer 	std_logic ;   
	O_FALL :		buffer 	std_logic 
) ;       
end component debouncer ;

signal stimulus_i_clock :	std_logic := '0' ;  
signal stimulus_i_reset_global :	std_logic ; 
signal stimulus_i_reset_local :	std_logic ; 
signal stimulus_i_time :	unsigned ( log_2_unsigned ( G ) downto 0 ) ;
signal stimulus_noise :	std_logic := '0' ;
signal stimulus_i_bouncing :        std_logic ;


	stimulus_noise <= not stimulus_noise after 500 ns ;
	stimulus_i_clock <= not stimulus_i_clock after 10 ns ;
	stimulus_i_reset_global <= '1' , '0' after 1 us ;
	stimulus_i_reset_local <= '1' , '0' after 2 us ;
	stimulus_i_time <= to_unsigned ( 900000000 , stimulus_i_time ' length ) ; 
	stimulus_i_bouncing <= stimulus_noise , '1' after 10 ms ;


	waveform : debouncer 
	generic map
		G => G							             
	port map						
		I_CLOCK =>              stimulus_i_clock , 	       			
		I_RESET_GLOBAL =>	stimulus_i_reset_global ,			
		I_RESET_LOCAL => 	stimulus_i_reset_local ,
		I_TIME =>		stimulus_i_time ,
		I_BOUNCING => 	stimulus_i_bouncing ,
		O_DEBOUNCED =>	open ,
		O_RISE =>	open ,
		O_FALL =>                open 
	) ;       

end architecture simulation_tb_debouncer ;

- - - Updated - - -

10ms is where the cursor is...

- - - Updated - - -

the signal in question is the first one ( "stimulus_i_bouncing" )

not really noise if it toggles like that

Anyway, I dont quite get it either, assuming that really is 10 ms (sure its not 10 us? ). Have you tried other versions of modelsim? have you raised a support request?
Reactions: shaiko


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Thanks TrickyDicky,

10mS - no doubt about it. Tried it with different delays - same result.
I've tried it at on version 6.5
Will retry tomorrow on 10.1 - haven't contacted Mentor support yet.

I thought that there was something I was missing (VHDL wise) but I guess not...
Wouldn't be the first time ModelSim makes me regret using it.

I resimulated the code with ModelSim 10.1
The problem persists!

Any suggestions ? ( a true solution/explanation for the problem - not a workaround solution )
Last edited:

Please forgive my ignorance but I've never seen that coding style before using the comma

stimulus_i_reset_global <= '1' , '0' after 1 us ;
	stimulus_i_reset_local <= '1' , '0' after 2 us ;
	stimulus_i_time <= to_unsigned ( 900000000 , stimulus_i_time ' length ) ; 
	stimulus_i_bouncing <= stimulus_noise , '1' after 10 ms ;

I assume that this is a valid way so my question is does this work correctly for stimulus_i_reset_global, stimulus_i_reset_local and only gives wrong result for stimulus_i_bouncing ?

You are switching from a waveform to a constant value, and I am not sure how this affects the event scheduling.
You can do it like this:

select_signal <= '0', '1' after 10 ms;
x <= stimulus_noise when select_signal = '0' else '1' ;
Reactions: shaiko


    Points: 2
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I assume that this is a valid way so my question is does this work correctly for stimulus_i_reset_global, stimulus_i_reset_local and only gives wrong result for stimulus_i_bouncing ?
Correct alexan_e

As I noted there're many possible solutions for this problem...I found a workaround before posting.
It's not the issue here - I wanted to know if it was me doing something wrong or the engineers at Mentor Graphics...

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