Use a BT136 (TRIAC) and a LM555 to autoswitch AC

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Well , you didn't tell , why you can't use square wave for your triac ?
is the input of triac sine wave ?
And i can't realize that what is your problem here ??!!

Can i use the 2N6073A TRIAC?

Well i'd connect the Ioniser to the mains with a TRIAC in series. The ioniser is a Cockroft Walton Voltage Multiplier structure (i am puting 30 diodes 1N4007 and 30 * 10nF capacitors). How can i calculate the total current? The simulations gives me this "sinewave" for the Current.
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I don't think you need high current , because C/D multipliers can't give currents more than several ma ! don't forget to select appropriate capacitors ( they should tolerate enough ! )
you can select each usual triac simply . and i think because your current is pretty low , you won't need triac ! just opto triac is enough !
Good luck

i read that 630V poly capacitors would do

May i ask a question , please ? What is the application of ioniser ?

The main application of an ioniser is to clean the air. What i want to do is to eliminate electrostatic forces of small particles. I don't know if it will work.
Thank you very much for clarifying it's application . but how much should be the value of voltage to cleaning the air ?

Zero crossing is always recommended when the load is not resistive may be you use MOC3041. because the current is low it must not be problem. Also check what is the minimum load current required by the triac for it to properly conduct.

Goldsmith: I don't know how much voltage should be used for the ioniser to fan the particles. I tried with 1.5 kV and they are moving.
Dear Jumpman
Thank you for your clarification .
Best Regards

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