USB Inerface desgin project

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Newbie level 5
Mar 19, 2006
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jelectronique usb

Dear all,
Please , I need help in interfacing a USB port for simple project , to do the following : the interface should be connected to PC USB port and receive an order to switch a relay.

what basic component should I have ?
How the XP OS should treat this driver ,and how to build a driver ?

thank you so much

Hi Salah
Have look here:
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I tried the last item, and it worked at once (almost).

Or, closer to home, see tgg's circuit & fw here:



    Points: 2
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thank you recursos , I can substite the led into a rely with suitable current, but I think that the subject still not clear . do you have more resources especially in building the driver...

thank you again

With FTDI :
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As pat_fr said you can use ftdi chips or modules.
It has a builtin driver that comes with a virtual com port that you can simply write a program to work with virtual comport.
On the other hand you will need to use a micro with that module.
For furture info reffer to ftdi site!

Gsalah said:
the subject still not clear . do you have more resources especially in building the driver...
Hi Salah,
You can do without building a driver, instead using the native XP's drivers.
USB's CDC drivers are already an integral part of XP/W2K. To help bind them with a new device (in this case, the programmed PIC), and create a port-specific "property page" in the Windows Hardware Manager, a small plain-text file (with extension ".inf") is required.
In Tqq's project, that file is "mchpcdc.inf".

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Hi Salah
This people here:
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have very good documentation covering USB drivers etc.
Have a look at wdpci_man.pdf, perhaps it will help.

If you need a simple device acting as USB slave device you can use some RS232 to USB bridge like the Silicon Labs CP2102 chip.

for more information refer to the following link:


CY7C68013 from Cypress is a good solution for USB interface. It has 8051 uC built in whic makes it easy to control any external devices like relay in your case.

Hi Salah

You just need to use the HID kibrary supported with Windows OS.

hid.dll , hid.sys

Just search internet for HID == Human interface device.

It's easy to use library for controlling devices hrough USB and collecting data

Hossam Alzomor

Use this IC FT232 for USB to serial interface.
They provide software driver too.

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