USB Data Acquistion with Visual Basic 2010

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 5, 2011
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Hello!! Everyone..

I had made a device that comes under the category of USB HID Class..
And it will receive the data sent by host and display it on the LCD..
Its really simple in mikro C ...
As it is having inbuilt functions for that...

I want to communicate with this device using Visual Basic 2010..
Can anyone know how to do so...

i am not having enough knowledge on this topic...

Their is one hid.dll present in system32 folder of windows OS.
that is associated with this type of communication...

Can any one tell me how to see its functions and proper use of its function..
I have a toll Dependency Walker with which one can see the function available in a Dynamic Link Library..

Any Help is Appreciated..

Is there any body who can answer my question or help me regarding this...

Study the examples given here:
She gives examples in Visual C++ 6.0 - not sure about visual basic but its not too difficult to translate between the two. I used this information to code is windows assembly language so all the information you need is here.

Can you pls tell me what u have exactly done...

Actually i am having the book Jan Axelson USB Complete i am learning the contents of that book..
Is that the best book..

Write the user stories of what you want viz I want to measure the analogue values of 4 channels at a speed of 1kHz per channel and a resolution of 12 bits. I want to upload the readings to a PC via the USB port at a speed of at least 1 kHz per channel. I want to time stamp and store the measurements on the PC .......

I used several PIC18F4550 chips both in commercial applications (Silicon Wafer Device Failure Analysis Tools: IO,PWM & ADC) and at home for providing a PC running Windows with several IOs and using the PIC ADCs and PWM. I have used HID but moved to WinUSB.
For the HID application I used one channel, for WinUSB usually 2-4 channels.
Again I use assembly language, but I started using Visual C++ 6.0 using Jan's tutorials.

Actually i am not getting what u exactly want to say...

You have used Assembly language to program your controller...

Actually i am really new from USB Point of View and Visual Basic ..

Right Now i am using MikroC Compiler which uses USB devices as HID Class but not able to do anything from PC side..
For the HID application I used one channel, for WinUSB usually 2-4 channels.

What does this means one channel and 2-4 channels..

Thanks for your help..
Waiting for your reply..

I program both the microcontroller and the windows host code in assembly language (using FASM or JWASM for windows).
What I was implying is that I cannot share any Visual Basic or C code on the windows side to help but Jan's code is how I originally got it to work.
For the PIC I also use assembly language and have never used anything else so I would not have any MicroC code for the PIC.

For channels I mean EndPoints.
Thanks alot for your help....

if i stuck somewhere i will report to you..

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