USB → RS232 MCP2200 Converter + GPIO + power supply

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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It is a home made converter of USB interface to RS232, based on MCP2200.
MCP2200 is described on the manufacturer's web page: LINK.

Features of the converter:
  • conversion of USB – RS232 – D-SUB socket (lines RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS)
  • TxD and RxD in the TTL voltage levels on HEADERS (0-5V)
  • TxD and RxD in the RS232 voltage levels on HEADERS (+/- 12V)
  • derived voltage 5V
  • derived voltage 3,3V
  • LEDs indicating the supply voltage and changes on lines RxD and TxD
  • 6 GPIO lines (HEADERS) – the ability to control from a PC

MCP2200 is an alternative for popular systems such as FT232 or PL2303.
The system run after soldering and connecting to the computer (tests on Windows 7). The manufacturer provides the application thanks to which you can modify the content of internal memory, and thus change the functions of the pins, the device name and symbols VID / PID.

GPIO lines are bidirectional. They can be both inputs and outputs. The manufacturer provides DDL library with the description of its use, so everyone can write an application that controls the system.

MCP2200 does not require many external elements. All of them are easily available. Popular AMS1117-3.3 was used as a stabilizer 3,3V. MAX3232 was used as converter of levels. LEDs indicate the supply voltage, change of RxD / TxD status.
The board is one-sided, dimensions are: 6x4cm. It was made by thermal transfer method.

Link to original thread (useful attachment) – Konwerter USB -> RS232 MCP2200 + GPIO + zasilanie

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