Urgent Help Needed for Operation of AND Gate

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Newbie level 3
Oct 7, 2013
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Hi, I'm currently using an AND Gate chip (MC14081BCPG) for simple operation, but the problem I'm facing is that I can't get a correct output that is in sync with the truth table. When I connect Vss to GND, any input that is 0V shorts out the chip, and regardless of the input signals, the output is always high. Please help me!

if required, the datasheet is here: https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/76410.pdf

Without seeing your schematic we are just guessing.
VSS is not supposed to be connected to GND, it is supposed to be connected to 0V. Then you can connect GND to 0V if you want.
What do you mean, "shorts out the chip"?
On any one gate, with either or both inputs low then the output will be low.

"shorts out the chip" means the chip gets internally burnt, making it unusable.

There is no schematic, just one of the inputs tied to a +12V source and the other connected to ground, and I'm monitoring the output. (to test the functionality of the chip)

Have you connected the Vdd pin to a +12V power supply (or higher)? Putting 12V onto an input without power to the chip might burn it out.

You need all inputs tied to either high or ground for all the gates, used or not. Any open inputs can cause that gate input to float to some intermediate value which will cause high currents through the device and zap it, particularly at 12V. I know cause I've had that happen myself. ;-)

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